Continue reading ARTS 361 Final

ARTS 361 Final

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ARTS 361 Final Liberty University What type of light source is responsible for making a subject’s eyes glow red in color? Which of the following is not a valid part of the criticism process of a photograph? Light coming from which direction will enhance both depth and texture of your subject? Don’t publically display photography…

Continue reading ARTS 361 Quiz 7

ARTS 361 Quiz 7

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ARTS 361 Quiz 7 Liberty University A good way to improve your own photography is to expose yourself to other good photographer’s works via gallery shows, publications and the internet. Unlike Twitter, photos posted to Facebook can be shared with a larger, more public audience; therefore, gaining the photographer more exposure in a shorter amount…

Continue reading ARTS 361 Quiz 6

ARTS 361 Quiz 6

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ARTS 361 Quiz 6 Liberty University A finished photograph does not have to be cropped the same way as it was taken in camera. Cropping is also a viable option for the photographer to do later on in post-production editing software. If a photographer is looking to recrop a finished print, a good and effective…

Continue reading ARTS 361 Quiz 5

ARTS 361 Quiz 5

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ARTS 361 Quiz 5 Liberty University Scott Kelby said that with today’s sharper lenses, using a tripod is not necessary anymore. According to Scott Kelby, the absolute best pattern photograph also contains something that actually breaks the pattern. One of the composition videos stated that it is best to limit yourself to having only one…

Continue reading ARTS 361 Quiz 4

ARTS 361 Quiz 4

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ARTS 361 Quiz 4 Liberty University Adobe’s Camera Raw program can now be used to adjust more than just RAW files; in the newer versions of the software a photographer can use the program to adjust JPEG and TIFF files too. The number one maker and seller of cameras today are the cellular phone companies…

Continue reading ARTS 361 Quiz 3

ARTS 361 Quiz 3

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ARTS 361 Quiz 3 Liberty University Using a wide-angle lens to photograph people is never a good idea unless it can’t be helped because of being in a tight, enclosed space. According to the textbook, a home lighting studio is not an affordable option for most photographers mainly because the lighting equipment is so expensive…

Continue reading ARTS 361 Quiz 2

ARTS 361 Quiz 2

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ARTS 361 Quiz 2 Liberty University Which type of camera works best only when lighting conditions are optimal, the subjects are relatively close to the photographer and when large prints are not desired? Which type of camera allows the photographer to see a scene through the viewfinder exactly as it will appear in the final…

Continue reading ARTS 361 Quiz 1

ARTS 361 Quiz 1

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ARTS 361 Quiz 1 Liberty University A photographer should always use the highest ISO number possible in a given lighting condition in order to get the clearest, best possible results with the least amount of noise. The camera feature that allows the photographer to see or compose their image on the back LCD screen of…
