BUSI 510 Exam 1

BUSI 510 Exam 1 Liberty University

  1. _____________________ has evolved to meet the need for better technology and information infrastructure that allows for information sharing, patient care management, and cost control?
  2. Organizational Behavior (OB) is the study of individuals, groups, and organizations.
  3. A major outcome of the interviewing program associated with the Hawthorne Studies was that researchers discovered that workers were isolated, unrelated individuals.
  4. Organizational behavior analyzes the entire organization and is a macro perspective since the organization is the unit being examined.
  5. Scientific management was significant to the development of organizational behavior because it demonstrated the important influence of human factors on worker productivity.
  6. According to Hofstede’s research, which dimension is the measure of how a society deals with physical and intellectual inequalities and how the culture applies power and wealth relative to its inequalities?
  7. Provisions from which piece of legislation, such as Medicare’s increased focus on chronic disease prevention, new models of care for reducing re-hospitalizations, improved care coordination, and annual screening for cognitive impairment will assist with changing attitudes toward elderly patients?
  8. The health care industry has been a leader for embracing diversity management.
  9. Although valid 20 years ago, Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions are no longer applicable to understanding the influence national culture has on organizational and managerial behaviors.
  10. Because of our increasingly diverse population, health care professionals need to be concerned about their cultural competency, which is the same as cultural awareness or sensitivity.
  11. Preconceived thoughts or beliefs can affect whether or not we hear opinions or information that disagree with our own.
  12. What is another name for the “self-fulfilling prophesy” where individuals tend to live up to other’s stated expectations about us?
  13. Managers make attributions about employees based on “consistency” and “distinctiveness” as well as “the extent to which an employee’s performance is the same or different from other employees,” otherwise known as:
  14. The process by which we interpret and organize sensory information to produce a meaningful experience of the world is known as:
  15. When a person evaluates another as generally low on many traits after observing poor performance on just one trait, the negative carryover effect is known as:
  16. Overly generalized, and typically negative, views about a group of people is known as a:
  17. Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins was a legal case where a female lawyer claimed discrimination based on gender stereotyped statements.
  18. The tri-component model suggests that human attitudes have three factors. They are:
  19. Festinger (1957) suggested to refer to which of the following when we perceive an inconsistency between two or more of our internal attitudes or between our behavior and attitudes.
  20. There are several barriers that can impede the communication process. What are the two categories described by Longest, Rakich, and Darr?
  21. What is an unstructured and informal network founded on social relationships rather than organizational charts or job descriptions called?
  22. Flows of communication can be combined into patterns called communication networks.
  23. At my workplace, I never get to talk to my supervisor. I always have to hear the news from one of the staff who happens to be the supervisor’s favorite employee. Which type of communication barrier is this?
  24. At my workplace, I never have an opportunity to speak with the vice president of my division, since I must speak with my direct supervisor, who then speaks with the division manager, who then relays my message to the vice president. This is an example of which communication network?
  25. Sharing information without using words is known as:
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