BUSI 504 Quiz 1

BUSI 504 Quiz 1 Liberty University

Set 1

  1. Behavior comes from the individual, not from the organizational context.
  2. Employees often resist change because:
  3. Organizational capabilities refer to the collective talents and skills of a firm’s CEO and their senior management to implement strategic renewal.
  4. When people participate in the process of defining a problem and its solution, they will be:
  5. Employee resistance to change is caused by:
  6. Psychic distance refers to the differences between national cultures in their beliefs about the nature of the soul.
  7. Older workers are more likely to resist change than younger workers.
  8. The introduction of a new product with advanced technology is a good example of a trigger event.
  9. Strategic renewal refers to:
  10. Nokia’s loss of market share of U.S. cell phone business as a result of:
  11. Successful global organizations move financial resources, technology, people, best practices, and knowledge in a seamless flow as required by a highly fluid international competitive environment.
  12. Transformational change seeks to ____________ employees to change their behaviors.
  13. Employee resistance to change can be positive or negative.
  14. Discontinuous change is:
  15. Going global always means:
  16. Behavior change requires:
  17. Which of the following is NOT one of the faces of change:
  18. For change to be effective, leaders must align internal processes, structures and systems with new strategies.
  19. World-wide recession is a good example of an internal event that may trigger a change within the organization.
  20. To create the proper organizational context for change, employers must quickly and harshly punish mistakes made by employees.
  21. Changing techniques and tools refers to changes in:
  22. When an organization imposes change on their employees, resistance is lessened because employees understand that change is inevitable.
  23. Which of the following is NOT a reason to go global?
  24. Considered design takes into account ecological impact at the beginning of a new product design process rather than as an afterthought.
  25. A trigger event refers to:
  26. ABC Inc. recently trained employees for newly required skills. This is an example of Lewin’s Change Model, in ____________.
  27. A task-aligned approach to change implementation motivates people to change their behaviors by focusing on the big picture and feelings of connectedness.
  28. Based on the congruence model, organizational effectiveness relies on the alignment between the internal context, the external environment and the patterns of employee behavior.
  29. ____________ is a programmatic change in which specific programs are used as the centerpiece of implementation.
  30. ____________ is an approach to change that emphasizes the methods of conceiving, introducing and institutionalizing new behaviors.
  31. To break the social habits that support existing patterns of behavior, start with creating dissatisfaction and discomfort.
  32. The multiple stakeholder perspective represents in part an ethical view of the role of business organizations in the community.
  33. ____________ offers a complex and systemic perspective on how and why people behave and organizations operate.
  34. The organization’s external environment refers to the culture and climate of the organization.
  35. Behavior (B) is a function of the person himself (P) and the environmental context (E) in which that person operates. Therefore:
  36. In order to implement change, focus on individual behaviors first and then on group norms.
  37. The three stages in Lewin’s model are unfreezing, moving and refreezing.
  38. The term “unfreezing” refers to:
  39. Company X recently went through a process of major and shared diagnoses of their internal barriers in order to improve performance. Based on Lewin’s Change Model, this is in ____________.
  40. Based on Lewin’s Change Model, moving is found in which stage?
  41. Mutual engagement occurs at the shared diagnosis stage but not during people alignment stage.
  42. Moving refers to members of a group who move from one set of behaviors to another.
  43. Because organizational employees get paid, they are not considered to be a part of the stakeholders of the organization.
  44. The group ____________ is (are) the shared expectations of how group members ought to behave.
  45. The organization’s internal context refers to patterns of employee behavior.
  46. Effective change implementation does not require new skills and competencies on the part of the organization’s employees.
  47. Effective organizational change starts with:
  48. The underlying assumption for the systems perspective is that outstanding performance depends on interactions between and among the multiple elements of organization; between the people, processes, structure, and values of the organization; and between the organization and its external environment.
  49. Kicking off change implementation with shared diagnosis builds dissatisfaction with the status quo.
  50. To break the “social habits” that support current patterns of behaviors, effective implementation needs to start with dissatisfaction, disequilibrium and discomfort.

Set 2

  1. Considered design takes into account ecological impact at the beginning of a new product design process rather than as an afterthought.
  2. Nokia’s loss of market share of U.S. cell phone business as a result of:
  3. Strategic renewal refers to:
  4. Employee resistance to change is caused by:
  5. Borders lagged behind Amazon because they failed to introduce an eReader like Kindle.
  6. When people participate in the process of defining a problem and its solution, they will be:
  7. Successful global organizations move financial resources, technology, people, best practices, and knowledge in a seamless flow as required by a highly fluid international competitive environment.
  8. Changing techniques and tools refers to changes in:
  9. Organizational capabilities refer to the collective talents and skills of a firm’s CEO and their senior management to implement strategic renewal.
  10. ____________ refers to the setting and circumstances in which employees work.
  11. Which of the following is a good example of a trigger event?
  12. Older workers are more likely to resist change than younger workers.
  13. Trigger events are internal changes to an organization which require a change in the behavioral patterns of employees.
  14. A trigger event refers to:
  15. Which of the following is NOT a reason to go global?
  16. Discontinuous change is:
  17. Because motivation does not differ much from person to person, the manager’s challenge is apply a motivational tactic uniformly across all employees.
  18. Managers can learn from employee resistance by:
  19. Going global always means:
  20. When an organization imposes change on their employees, resistance is lessened because employees understand that change is inevitable.
  21. For change to be effective, leaders must align internal processes, structures and systems with new strategies.
  22. Psychic distance refers to the differences between national cultures in their beliefs about the nature of the soul.
  23. Employees often resist change because:
  24. To create the proper organizational context for change, employers must quickly and harshly punish mistakes made by employees.
  25. Behavior comes from the individual, not from the organizational context.
  26. The organization’s external environment refers to the culture and climate of the organization.
  27. The multiple stakeholder perspective represents in part an ethical view of the role of business organizations in the community.
  28. ____________ offers a complex and systemic perspective on how and why people behave and organizations operate.
  29. The three stages in Lewin’s model are unfreezing, moving and refreezing.
  30. Based on Lewin’s Change Model, moving is found in which stage?
  31. The group ____________ is (are) the shared expectations of how group members ought to behave.
  32. To be effective, a change leader’s initial task is to create ____________.
  33. Company X recently went through a process of major and shared diagnoses of their internal barriers in order to improve performance. Based on Lewin’s Change Model, this is in ____________.
  34. Because organizational employees get paid, they are not considered to be a part of the stakeholders of the organization.
  35. The effectiveness of organizations will be determined by a state of congruence between people, process, structure, values, and environment. Such underlying assumption is based on which organizational development perspectives?
  36. Moving refers to members of a group who move from one set of behaviors to another.
  37. Based on the congruence model, organizational effectiveness relies on the alignment between the internal context, the external environment and the patterns of employee behavior.
  38. A task-aligned approach to change implementation motivates people to change their behaviors by focusing on the big picture and feelings of connectedness.
  39. People alignment is the process of:
  40. Change implementation should start with shared diagnosis because:
  41. Effective organizational change starts with:
  42. ____________ is a programmatic change in which specific programs are used as the centerpiece of implementation.
  43. ____________ is an approach to change that emphasizes the methods of conceiving, introducing and institutionalizing new behaviors.
  44. The term “unfreezing” refers to:
  45. Telling employees why they need to change will not make them change.
  46. Effective change implementation does not require new skills and competencies on the part of the organization’s employees.
  47. ABC Inc. recently trained employees for newly required skills. This is an example of Lewin’s Change Model, in ____________.
  48. The underlying assumption for the alignment perceptive is that the effectiveness of organizations will be determined by a state of congruence between people, process, structure, values and environment.
  49. According to Lewin, the ____________ way to motivate an individual to change is to create a sense of ____________ with the ____________.
  50. Behavior (B) is a function of the person himself (P) and the environmental context (E) in which that person operates. Therefore:
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