BIOL 102 Quiz Nervous

BIOL 102 Quiz: Nervous and Sensory Systems

  1. Glial cells perform all of the following functions EXCEPT ____.
  2. The resting membrane potential is measured at ____.
  3. Which drug is considered an hallucinogen?
  4. A brain injury to which structure might often be fatal?
  5. The disorder associated with a loss of dopamine producing cells is ____.
  6. Over 90% of all cells in the nervous system are ____.
  7. The neurons that are located in the brain and spinal cord are ____.
  8. The right and left cerebral hemisphere are divisions of the ____.
  9. Which disorder is associated with buildup of amyloid proteins leading to loss of memory and intellectual functions?
  10. Which brain structure works in conjunction with the basal nuclei to control motor activity?
  11. Which term refers to a form of energy that activates receptor endings of sensory neurons?
  12. In which condition must the eye often be removed to prevent the spread of the disease?
  13. In which condition must the eye often be removed to prevent the spread of the disease?
  14. Pain from an internal organ is known as ____.
  15. Spinal cord neurons processing pain information release ____.
  16. The visual deficit related to a misshapen cornea is ____.
  17. Information from the right visual field is ____.
  18. The structure in the retina containing cone cells is the ____.
  19. Which structure adjusts to control the intensity of incoming light?
  20. Which statement concerning a resting neuron is TRUE?
  21. A PET scan showing significant activity in the occipital lobe would reflect brain activity for someone who is
  22. Free nerve endings in the skin detect ____.
  23. The amplitude of a sound wave corresponds to ____.
  24. Describe the functions of the somatic and autonomic nerves according to our text.
  25. Describe the differences outlined in our text between the central and peripheral nervous system
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