BIBL 105 Quiz 7

BIBL 105 Quiz 7 Liberty University

BIBL 105 Quiz 7 Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel

Covers Learn materials from Module 7: Week 7.

  1. According to Jeremiah 1, God’s calling on Jeremiah’s life began _______.
  2. The central question from God in Isaiah 6 is _______.
  3. In Isaiah 1, the prophet compares the people of Judah to _______.
  4. Lamentations 3:22-23 states that God’s compassions are new every _______.
  5. Biblical prophecies are often disconnected from the prophet’s historical context.
  6. Biblical prophets exclusively predicted future events.
  7. One of the most significant prophecies in Jeremiah’s writings is the _________.
  8. The full picture of prophecy is that it encompasses both a forthtelling of God’s messages and a foretelling of God’s actions.
  9. Isaiah pictures the future kingdom of Israel centered in _______.
  10. The naming of ________ the Persian is a factor in dating the book of Isaiah.
  11. Isaiah was a (an) ________ century BC prophet.
  12. The _______ Songs point to the Messiah in the book of Isaiah.
  13. Toward the end of the book, Jeremiah prophesies judgment on _______.
  14. Jeremiah had to contend with many false _______ in his own ministry.
  15. Jeremiah predicts that the Babylonian captivity would last _______ years.
  16. Jeremiah is popularly known as the “_______ prophet.”
  17. Chapters 1–4 of Lamentations are _______ poems in the Hebrew language.
  18. The Book of Ezekiel is structured around ______ of the glory of the LORD.
  19. Ezekiel utilized symbolic, often strange, actions to illustrate his prophecies to Israel.
  20. Ezekiel had a vision of an end-time invasion of Israel called the vision of ______.
  21. Ezekiel’s ____ died as a prophetic sign to the exiles of the impending fall of Jerusalem.
  22. Daniel predicts the rise and fall of 4 ______ empires.
  23. The Kingdom of God is the final form of world government in the book of Daniel.
  24. God’s ______ is a major theme in Daniel.
  25. Daniel’s three friends were thrown into a _______ for refusing to bow to the golden statue.

Other sets

  1. Isaiah 44 is a scathing critique of the practice of _______.
  2. Daniel 4 describes the period of time when King Nebuchadnezzar was _______.
  3. Daniel and his three friends refused to dele themselves with the king’s _______.
  4. Ezekiel 8 describes the open idolatry taking place in _______.
  5. Which of these Major Prophets has as its theme “The Messiah Will Come”?
  6. Biblical prophets could see _________ events before they happened.
  7. The full picture of prophecy is that it encompasses both a forthtelling of God’s messages and a foretelling of God’s actions.
  8. Biblical prophecies are often disconnected from the prophet’s historical context.
  9. The Suffering Servant in Isaiah 53 bears the sins of ________.
  10. Isaiah pictures the future kingdom of Israel centered in _______.
  11. The Assyrian king ________ invaded Jerusalem in 701 BC as reported in the book of Isaiah.
  12. Isaiah was a (an) ________ century BC prophet.
  13. Jeremiah had to contend with many false _______ in his own ministry.
  14. Jeremiah 18-19 pictures the relationship between God and his people as that of _______.
  15. The ultimate punishment for Judah’s disobedience was expulsion from the land as recorded in Jeremiah.
  16. The Book of Comfort (Jer 30-33) includes the promise of a New _______ for Israel.
  17. Chapters 1–4 of Lamentations are _______ poems in the Hebrew language.
  18. Ezekiel had a vision of an end-time invasion of Israel called the vision of ______.
  19. The detailed vision of the temple that concludes Ezekiel’s prophecy is the _____ Temple.
  20. Ezekiel witnessed the glory of the Lord depart from the temple in Jerusalem.
  21. The lament against ______ in the book of Ezekiel parallels the fall Satan.
  22. The book of Daniel ends with the hope of______.
  23. Liberal scholars date the book of Daniel in the ______ century BC.
  24. The “little horn” of Daniel 7 is a picture of _______.
  25. Babylon fell in 539 BC to ______ the Persian.

Other sets

Set 1

  1. Lamentations 3:22-23 states that God’s compassions are new every _______.
  2. Liberal scholars _______ the unity of Isaiah.
  3. Jeremiah warned that God was sending the _______ to punish Judah.
  4. Daniel and his three friends refused to defile themselves with the king’s _______.
  5. God’s ______ is a major theme in Daniel.
  6. According to Jeremiah 1, God’s calling on Jeremiah’s life began _______.
  7. Lamentations is a book concerning the _______ of Jerusalem.
  8. The detailed vision of the temple that concludes Ezekiel’s prophecy is the _____ Temple.
  9. The book of Daniel ends with the hope of______.
  10. Daniel was taken captive to ______.
  11. An important Hebrew concept in the book of Lamentations is the _______ (chesed) of God.
  12. The book of Lamentations appears to have been written by someone who experienced the events firsthand.
  13. Isaiah’s favorite term for God is the _______ One of Israel.
  14. The Book of Ezekiel is structured around ______ of the glory of the LORD.
  15. In Ezekiel 37, the two sticks coming together signifies that in the future, there will no longer be a division between the northern and southern kingdoms of Israel.
  16. As seen in Jeremiah 23, Jeremiah the prophet had a constant battle with _______.
  17. The lament against ______ in the book of Ezekiel parallels the fall Satan.
  18. Daniel predicts the rise and fall of 4 ______ empires.
  19. Isaiah was a (an) ________ century BC prophet.
  20. One of the most significant prophecies in Jeremiah’s writings is the _________.
  21. Jeremiah 18-19 pictures the relationship between God and his people as that of _______.
  22. The earliest tradition identifies _______ as the author of Lamentations.
  23. Various archaeological discoveries support the historical accuracy of Jeremiah.
  24. Liberal scholars date the book of Daniel in the ______ century BC.
  25. Daniel’s three friends were thrown into a _______ for refusing to bow to the golden statue.

Set 2

  1. The _______ Songs point to the Messiah in the book of Isaiah.
  2. Ezekiel had a vision of an end-time invasion of Israel called the vision of ______.
  3. An important Hebrew concept in the book of Lamentations is the _______ (chesed) of God.
  4. The “little horn” of Daniel 7 is a picture of _______.
  5. The earliest tradition identifies _______ as the author of Lamentations.
  6. In a vision, Ezekiel is instructed to eat a _______ that symbolized being filled with the word of God.
  7. Ezekiel’s vision of the dry bones portrays the return of Israel into the Promised Land. The two stages are_____.
  8. The book of Daniel ends with the hope of______.
  9. God’s ______ is a major theme in Daniel.
  10. The book of Lamentations appears to have been written by someone who experienced the events firsthand.
  11. The term ______ is used 93 times to refer to Ezekiel.
  12. Various archaeological discoveries support the historical accuracy of Jeremiah.
  13. The “goat with one horn” in Daniel chapter 8 is a prophecy of ______.
  14. Liberal scholars date the book of Daniel in the ______ century BC.
  15. Daniel was taken captive to ______.
  16. The Kingdom of God is the final form of world government in the book of Daniel.
  17. The naming of ________ the Persian is a factor in dating the book of Isaiah.
  18. The Hebrew term for “prophet” (nabi’) designates the prophet as a spokesman for God.
  19. Babylon fell in 539 BC to ______ the Persian.
  20. Toward the end of the book, Jeremiah prophesies judgment on _______.
  21. Ezekiel utilized symbolic, often strange, actions to illustrate his prophecies to Israel.
  22. Daniel predicts the rise and fall of 4 ______ empires.
  23. Biblical prophets could see _________ events before they happened.
  24. Chapters 1–4 of Lamentations are _______ poems in the Hebrew language.
  25. Which of these Major Prophets has as its theme “The Messiah Will Come”?

Set 3

  1. The “little horn” of Daniel 7 is a picture of _______.
  2. Isaiah 44 is a scathing critique of the practice of _______.
  3. God’s ______ is a major theme in Daniel.
  4. Ezekiel’s vision of the dry bones portrays the return of Israel into the Promised Land. The two stages are_____.
  5. The _______ Songs point to the Messiah in the book of Isaiah.
  6. Lamentations is a book concerning the _______ of Jerusalem.
  7. The Suffering Servant in Isaiah 53 is pictured as ______.
  8. Daniel’s three friends were thrown into a _______ for refusing to bow to the golden statue.
  9. Ezekiel’s ____ died as a prophetic sign to the exiles of the impending fall of Jerusalem.
  10. Biblical prophets exclusively predicted future events.
  11. Jeremiah had to contend with many false _______ in his own ministry.
  12. Daniel and his three friends refused to defile themselves with the king’s _______.
  13. Isaiah’s response to God’s calling in Isaiah 6 is found in his reply of _______.
  14. The Suffering Servant in Isaiah 53 bears the sins of ________.
  15. Hebrew prophets often used the “prophetic perfect” verbal form to describe future events as though the events _______.
  16. In a vision, Ezekiel is instructed to eat a _______ that symbolized being filled with the word of God.
  17. In Isaiah 1, the prophet compares the people of Judah to _______.
  18. An important Hebrew concept in the book of Lamentations is the _______ (chesed) of God.
  19. In Ezekiel 37, the two sticks coming together signifies that in the future, there will no longer be a division between the northern and southern kingdoms of Israel.
  20. Liberal scholars _______ the unity of Isaiah.
  21. Isaiah was a (an) ________ century BC prophet.
  22. ________ is a symbolic name for Christ in Isaiah 7:14.
  23. Isaiah pictures the future kingdom of Israel centered in _______.
  24. Daniel 4 describes the period of time when King Nebuchadnezzar was _______.
  25. The central question from God in Isaiah 6 is _______.

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