PHSC 210 Quiz 5

PHSC 210 Quiz 5 Liberty University

PHSC 210 Quiz: Mass Wasting, Soils, Streams, and Groundwater

Module 5: Week 5

  1. This type of cave formation often has a very strange shape
  2. The most powerful and rapid stream erosion process is
  3. These types of streams have a relatively small river in a big canyon or valley.
  4. A major method by which material gets delivered to the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon is
  5. Stream deposits are always the result of
  6. A stream with the most numerous numbers of bars and channels would be a _____ stream.
  7. Parallel joints in a granite develop after massive erosion due to
  8. The ability of water to ow through a rock is called
  9. Tufa and travertine are types of
  10. Rocks in a stream bed usually become rounded due to the process of
  11. In order to produce an artesian well or spring, an aquifer usually is confined by
  12. A new theory for cave formation proposes this type of acid has formed many caves:
  13. The most common rock type for the formation of karst features is
  14. It is observed that a shale layer weathers faster than an overlying limestone producing an overhang. This would be an example of
  15. What was unique about the 1929 Grand Banks earthquake that created a mass movement?
  16. All of these mass movement processes occurred during the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens except
  17. Deposits made along the sides of a stream channel during periods of flooding are called
  18. Water that is drawn up just above the water table is called
  19. Porosity is a measure of how well water can ow through a rock.
  20. Hydraulic action is when vacuum bubbles implode causing rapid erosion of a rock.
  21. Limestone (or other carbonate rock) can be expected immediately below the surface of an area with karst topography.
  22. Hydraulic action causes rapid erosion from the explosion of vacuum bubbles.
  23. Natural levees form during the flooding of rivers.
  24. Earthquakes are important initiators of mass movements.
  25. Water was an important factor causing the 2014 landslide in Oso, Washington.

Set 1

  1. The competence of a stream is affected by everything except
  2. These types of streams have a relatively small river in a big canyon or valley.
  3. The amount of empty space in a rock suitable for water storage is called
  4. Cut banks, oxbow lakes and point bars would most likely be found in a stream system.
  5. Parallel joints in a granite develop after massive erosion due to
  6. A stream with the most numerous numbers of bars and channels would be a
  7. If your house is built on a hillside susceptible to past mass wasting events, the most important thing you could do reduce the risk of further movement would be
  8. It is noticed that a particular steep hillside has a number of trees with curved tree trunks near
  9. A deposit formed at the base of a steep mountain range due to a stream being no long able to carry its load is called a(n)
  10. This type of thermal feature at Yellowstone National Park is often very colorful due to different kinds of bacteria that live in it
  11. What was unique about the 1929 Grand Banks earthquake that created a mass movement?
  12. Stream deposits are always the result of
  13. This type of thermal feature is formed as hot water encounters volcanic ash as it rises to the surface
  14. Calcite (or limestone) exposed at the earth’s surface is commonly weathered by
  15. Rocks in a stream bed usually become rounded due to the process of
  16. Vertical sandstone and shale beds are exposed along the ocean. The shales weather faster than the sandstones. This would be an example of
  17. Sand is usually found in the load of a stream
  18. A new theory for cave formation proposes this type of acid has formed many caves:
  19. A good place to look for a spring might be in a fault zone.
  20. Mud pots can form when hot ground water rises to the earth’s surface and encounters volcanic ash.
  21. Limestones are dissolved in the presence of carbonic acid.
  22. Hydraulic action is when vacuum bubbles implode causing rapid erosion of a rock.
  23. The work of streams includes weathering, transportation and deposition of sediment.
  24. All soils contain an “O” horizon.
  25. Most rural homes have septic tanks that empty their overflow water just above the same aquifer in which the drinking water is drawn from.

Set 2

  1. A rapid flow composed of 40% boulders, 30% gravel, 10% sand and 10% water coming down a slot canyon would be a
  2. A stream with the most numerous numbers of bars and channels would be a _____ stream.
  3. Which soil horizon contains a mixture of organic material and minerals?
  4. Choose the largest landslide in terms of volume
  5. Water that is drawn up just above the water table is called
  6. This process might have occurred more during Noah’s Flood than it occurs today.
  7. Cut banks, oxbow lakes and point bars would most likely be found in a _____ stream system.
  8. What caused the formation of Lake Missoula?
  9. Calcite (or limestone) exposed at the earth’s surface is commonly weathered by
  10. Tufa and travertine are types of
  11. If your house is built on a hillside susceptible to past mass wasting events, the most important thing you could do reduce the risk of further movement would be
  12. Which type of mass movement was responsible for the nautiloids buried in the Redwall Limestone?
  13. Springs usually do not form
  14. The ability of water to flow through a rock is called
  15. A new theory for cave formation proposes this type of acid has formed many caves:
  16. All of the following except _____ contributed to the landslide in Oso, Washington in 2014.
  17. Large alcoves are often produced on cliff faces by
  18. This type of cave formation often has a very strange shape
  19. Mudflows contain more water by volume than debris flows.
  20. Cavitation occurs when vacuum bubbles explode and cause rock to rapidly deteriorate.
  21. Soil is made exclusively of minerals.
  22. An aquiclude is usually found below a perched water table.
  23. The river that left the Garden of Eden in Genesis 2 split into four separate rivers.
  24. Groundwater is a limited resource in the San Joaquin Valley of California, despite the area being an important agricultural area.
  25. More people die from flooding compared to any other type of natural disaster.

Set 2

  1. Springs may occur as a result of all of the following EXCEPT:
  2. All of the following except _____ contributed to the Thistle, Utah slide in the spring of 1983.
  3. This type of cave formation often has a very strange shape
  4. Parallel joints in a granite develop after massive erosion due to
  5. All of the following except _____ contributed to the landslide in Oso, Washington in 2014.
  6. The largest reserve of freshwater on earth is found in
  7. A rapid flow composed of 40% boulders, 30% gravel, 10% sand and 10% water coming down a slot canyon would be a
  8. The ability of water to flow through a rock is called
  9. This type of process might cause a door to your house not to open very well in the winter time.
  10. These types of streams have a relatively small river in a big canyon or valley.
  11. In order to produce an artesian well or spring, an aquifer usually is confined by
  12. It is noticed that a particular steep hillside has a number of trees with curved tree trunks near their base.  The hillside is experiencing
  13. Bretz proposed all of the following as evidence for a massive flood forming the Channeled Scabland except
  14. The amount of empty space in a rock suitable for water storage is called
  15. All of the following contributed to the Madison River Canyon slide in 1959 EXCEPT:
  16. Calcite (or limestone) exposed at the earth’s surface is commonly weathered by
  17. Deposits made along the sides of a stream channel during periods of flooding are called
  18. Where would you expect the greatest need for crop irrigation?
  19. Limestone (or other carbonate rock) can be expected immediately below the surface of an area with karst topography.
  20. Good drainage is one of the ways that frost heaving can be prevented.
  21. More people die from flooding compared to any other type of natural disaster.
  22. After glacial ice, streams, rivers and lakes are the second most abundant supply of fresh water in the world.
  23. All soils contain an “O” horizon.
  24. The Channeled Scabland is characterized by normal drainage patterns with dendritic (tree-like) drainages.
  25. A stream would generally have higher competence that a glacier.
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