PLST 320 Quiz Judicial and Congressional Powers

  1. The document that first attempted to establish a national government for the colonies was the
  2. The president of the Senate
  3. Congress has the right to extend the constitutional jurisdiction of the federal courts.
  4. The power or authority that a court has to hear a case is known as
  5. Legislative powers are found in which Article of the Constitution?
  6. The Supreme Court has held that a case challenging abortion laws becomes moot if the plaintiff gives birth before an appeal can be heard.
  7. Which of the following is not within the subject matter jurisdiction of the federal courts, as expressed in the Constitution?
  8. The U.S. government, formed under the Constitution, consists of how many branches?
  9. Under the Constitution, the federal government is given the power to regulate
  10. The Constitutional Convention met to amend the Articles of Confederation, not to draft a new constitution.
  11. Which of the following is not a requirement for those seeking office in the U.S. House of Representatives?
  12. Those who supported the Constitution were known as
  13. The doctrine of sovereign immunity
  14. An actual controversy must exist for a court to have the right to hear a case; courts cannot give advisory opinions.
  15. The term federalism is applied to a system of dual governments in which state and national governments coexist.
  16. Under the U.S. system of government, the judiciary has the power
  17. To amend the Articles of Confederation required
  18. The Necessary and Proper clause
  19. Because of Congress’s war powers, the president must obtain the prior consent of Congress before committing troops to foreign soil.
  20. The powers of the state and federal government are all mutually exclusive.
  21. The right of the president to utilize a line-item veto has been approved by the Supreme Court.
  22. The national government created under the Constitution is a government of unlimited power.
  23. The necessary and proper clause gives Congress authority to enact any law it deems necessary and proper for the good of the nation.
  24. The power of judicial review allows the courts to determine if state or federal laws conflict with the Constitution.
  25. The Declaration of Independence was an attack on the president of the United States.
  26. Who was not an author of the Federalist Papers?
  27. S. representatives serve four-year terms.
  28. Under the Constitution, the Supreme Court is expressly given the right to review the constitutionality of state and federal laws.
  29. The lawmaking power of Congress is found primarily in Article I, section 8 of the Constitution.
  30. Which of the following powers does the president not have?

Set 2

  1. The right of the president to utilize a line-item veto has been approved by the Supreme Court.
  2. When a case is heard before the U.S. Supreme Court, it is usually heard by
  3. The federal government can tax state activities
  4. The concept that citizens of the United States would be subject to two governments, state and national, is known as
  5. An actual controversy must exist for a court to have the right to hear a case; courts cannot give advisory opinions.
  6. Which of the following principles form the basis of the Declaration of Independence?
  7. Courts, as well as legislatures, are bound to follow the U.S. Constitution.
  8. The term federalism is applied to a system of dual governments in which state and national governments coexist.
  9. What was William Marbury seeking from the Supreme Court in Marbury v. Madison?
  10. Under the Constitution, the federal government is given the power to regulate
  11. Which of the following is not within the subject matter jurisdiction of the federal courts, as expressed in the Constitution?
  12. The national government created under the Constitution is a government of unlimited power.
  13. The power of judicial review allows the courts to determine if state or federal laws conflict with the Constitution.
  14. Under the U.S. system of government, the judiciary has the power
  15. Who was not an author of the Federalist Papers?
  16. The Declaration of Independence was an attack on the president of the United States.
  17. The Supreme Court has held that a case challenging abortion laws becomes moot if the plaintiff gives birth before an appeal can be heard.
  18. The Constitutional Convention met to amend the Articles of Confederation, not to draft a new constitution.
  19. The Rule of Four refers to
  20. Legislative powers are found in which Article of the Constitution?
  21. The U.S. government, formed under the Constitution, consists of how many branches?
  22. Because of Congress’s war powers, the president must obtain the prior consent of Congress before committing troops to foreign soil.
  23. The Necessary and Proper clause
  24. The Supreme Court is strictly a court of review having appellate jurisdiction but no original jurisdiction.
  25. Which of the following powers does the president not have?
  26. In order to win at the U.S. Supreme Court level, a party must have the vote of
  27. Congress has both express and implied powers to enact laws.
  28. The primary reason taxpayers often have difficulty pursuing court cases dealing with tax laws because
  29. The organizational plan for the national government is found in which part of the Constitution?
  30. Which of the following is not a requirement for those seeking office in the U.S. House of Representatives?


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