BUSI 630 Quiz Statistical Analysis

BUSI 630 Quiz Statistical Analysis and Testing

Covers the Textbook material from Module 6: Week 6 — Module 8: Week 8.

  1. The proportion of patients from an area who use a particular hospital is called the _
  2. True or False? “Big data” refers to data sets that are too big for a single computer to handle.
  3. True or False? Health administrators and policy makers have similar perspectives and use the same methods to dene healthcare markets.
  4. True or False? A healthcare market can be accurately defined by using the Elzinga-Hogarty test.
  5. The _________________ include state-specific encounter-level data on ambulatory surgery and other outpatient services.
  6. Which of the following are examples of secondary prevention?
  7. Refers to the progression of disease to a level of irreversibility and serious consequences including disability and death.
  8. Which of the following entities makes recommendations to practitioners regarding various preventative services?
  9. The probability that a test-positive individual actually has the disease for which the person was tested is known as the:
  10. True or False? Tertiary prevention focuses on restoration of function and avoidance of permanent disability.
  11. This is a statistical measure of the spread of the values of a quantitative variable around the mean.
  12. True or False? Categorical variables have a numeric value.
  13. This type of variable can only be assigned one of two possible values, such as yes or no.
  14. Which of the following correlation coefficients would indicate a strong a positive relationship between two variables?
  15. Which P value indicates that there is a less than 10% chance of the observation occurring by chance?
  16. The steps used to estimate the level, frequency and duration of exposure to a risk factor is known as:
  17. This type of study investigates the effects of some phenomenon, risk factor, or intervention in the same population over different periods or in a population in one geographic area as compared with one or more other populations in other areas.
  18. True or False? Cohort studies allow researchers to demonstrate a causal relationship between a disease and a risk factor.
  19. In this type of cohort study, subjects are followed forward in time through their past medical records to understand how their health status changed over time.
  20. True or False? In observational studies researchers can administer a treatment or intervention to study participants.
  21. If a study is conducted to investigate the preventative potential of a new drug, the study is called a
  22. If a study seeks to enroll women over the age of 50 who meet a certain income level, the study has:
  23. In a single blind study, which of the following entities doesn’t know who is assigned to the study group and who is assigned to the control group?
  24. The population of interest in a study is known as the ______________ population.
  25. This is calculated prior to the onset of a study to ensure that the desired power of the study is attained.


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