BUSI 630 Quiz Determinants

BUSI 630 Quiz Determinants & Measures of Health

Covers the Textbook material from Module 1: Week 1 — Module 2: Week 2.

  1. Which of the following are some of the main goals of healthcare management that have been identified by researchers?
  2. True or False? Diseases and their causes tend to be distributed randomly and evenly across populations.
  3. Using data or statistical evidence to guide managerial decisions is known as
  4. True or False? There is one gold standard approach toward decision making because important decisions tend to be straightforward.
  5. Data from the U.S. Census Bureau integrated and analyzed to guide managerial decisions is considered to be:
  6. True or False? Numerous studies have shown a positive correlation between income and health status.
  7. True or False? The medical care model focuses on disease and injury at the population level.
  8. combines subjective measurements of prestige with objective measurements of income and education.
  9. The __________________ provides state-by-state county-level data on various health indicators.
  10. Which of the following is the eld of study that examines the health status of populations or groups of individuals?
  11. Which of the following are domains of functionality within the Disability Assessment Schedule questionnaire?
  12. A “clean bill of health” given by a healthcare provider indicates the absence of any pathology.
  13. The ___________________ is a standardized system of assigning diagnostic codes to diseases, injuries, abnormalities and various signs and symptoms for the purpose of classification, reimbursement, and statistical analysis.
  14. True or False? The Short Form 36 measures quality life across 8 domains.
  15. The _________________ is used to assess patients’ view of their own health in a number of areas.
  16. A fraction is a type of ratio.
  17. is the proportion of cases of a disease in a specified period of time that resulted in death.
  18. Which of the following are associated with a higher life expectancy at birth?
  19. Which of the following is a summary statistic based on the total number of deaths from all causes in a specified population in a given year.
  20. The number of children born in the world in 2011 was approximately 15,000/hour. This is an example of a:
  21. Comparison of crude rates of two or more populations in the same period or in the same population in different time periods can be misleading because:
  22. The measure of whether people in the population of interest are dying at a higher or lower rate as compared with the reference populations is known as:
  23. Which of the following situations complicate the estimation of incidence rates?
  24. To calculate mortality rates, you would divide the number of deaths by the population that is at risk of dying in the specified time period.
  25. Which of the following refers to the proportion of cases of a disease in which the person survives for a specified period of time regardless of the cause of death?
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