HLTH 509 Quiz 1 Health Promotion

HLTH 509 Quiz: Health Promotion, Value Expectancy and Perceived Threat

Covers the Textbook material from Module 1: Week 1 – Module 2: Week 2.

  1. Generally, which of the following factors can contribute to community capacity:
  2. The definition of health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is merely the absence of disease.
  3. Despite being a world “super-power,” the United States ranks poorly – compared to other industrialized nations – on multiple health indicators. Which statement best explains why this is true.
  4. Illness behavior is most often associated with which level of prevention?
  5. Public health seeks to shift the mean of the Rose Curve to the left.
  6. Secondary prevention in public health targets people who can treat the disease and/or people who have the disease with the goal of mitigating the disease’s effects.
  7. Advocacy as a health promotion strategy is mainly focused on lobbying for universal health care.
  8. What caused the shift from infectious diseases to chronic diseases from the 1800s to now?
  9. The United States spends considerably more on health care costs than other industrialized countries.
  10. Currently, public health in the United States is more focused on infectious diseases than chronic diseases.
  11. The “Rose Curve” has multiple implications for public health. Identify which statement below is incorrect regarding the Rose Curve:
  12. The theory of the solution asserts that
  13. A countywide smoking ordinance which restricts smoking in restaurants and bars would be considered a ______ factor to changing smoking-related behavior.
  14. You identify a behavior that is non-volitional. Which type of intervention are you more likely to focus on to change that behavior?
  15. Theory only serves to assess hypothesized mediators.
  16. Based on your understanding of this chapter, which health behavior would you consider to be “complex”?
  17. Regarding condom use, women’s control over the situation with her male partner would best be described as:
  18. Which of the statements below is the least accurate regarding “theory”?
  19. Proximal influences are synonymous with distal influences.
  20. Distal influences demonstrate an immediate and noticeable influence on health behaviors.
  21. Theory allows for more successful and effective health interventions.
  22. Health policies serve as a proximal influence on health behavior.
  23. A behavior that is more frequent and repetitive is more difficult to adhere to over time.
  24. Which health behavior is frequent and repetitive, therefore potentially harder to change/adhere to?
  25. Measures of intent include:
  26. The two independent constructs that precede intent in the theory of reasoned action are subjective norms and cognitive dissonance.
  27. IMB in IMB Model stands for:
  28. Formation of intent is the last step in the theory before the actual behavior.
  29. Inhibiting factors are always internal to the person.
  30. According to the Theory of Planned Behavior, the perception of control is based on an intersection of factors internal to the person making the decision and their cognitive evaluation of those internal factors.
  31. Facilitating and inhibiting factors in the TPB are based on only on individual perceptions.
  32. External factors that serve to facilitate a given behavior or those that act to inhibit a given behavior are based on personal perceptions.
  33. Neither the Theory of Reasoned Action nor the Theory of Planned Behavior is qualified as Value-Expectancy models.
  34. Which statement best describes theory of reasoned action?
  35. An important focus of the Theory of Reasoned Action is generating intent.
  36. The Theory of Reasoned Action includes a focus on perceptions about:
  37. Unlike the health belief model, the theory of reasoned action, and the theory of planned behavior, the information-motivation-behavioral skills model is a relatively old modeling tool in the behavioral sciences.
  38. Value-expectancy models represent a class of theories that, at their core, assume people will change a behavior it they anticipate the personal benefits derived from the outcome will outweigh any costs incurred through enacting the behavior. Choose the theories or models that are not an example of value-expectancy models.
  39. A positive net gain in the mental math equation can be achieved by:
  40. Even though the Health Belief Model is a relatively simple tool that can easily be applied to health promotion practice, it is often applied incorrectly. What are the problems that HBM have?
  41. Perceived threat is moderated by a host of modifying factors such as age, race, SES, and knowledge pertaining to disease in question.
  42. What are the two constructs that have an independent influence on health behavior?
  43. Protection motivation theory describes coping appraisal is essentially people deciding if the costs for engaging in a health behavior outweigh the benefits.
  44. The basic premise of both PMT and EPPM is when individuals are faced with a scary stimuli
  45. The Health Belief Model posits that cues to action may be events, symptoms experienced physically by the person, or reminders provided by a credible source.
  46. Response efficacy and self-efficacy are both part of the threat appraisal process.
  47. When combining the constructs “perceived severity” and “perceived susceptibility,” you get the level of perceived threat imposed.
  48. Health Belief Model is logical, well-articulated, and simple model that the primary construct is indeed predicated on the basis that behavior change will occur only when sufficient benefits remain after subtracting the costs incurred by the performing the behavior. There are two constructs that have independent influences on health behavior. What are those two?
  49. The health belief model was initially used to identify determinants of being screened for HIV.
  50. Reactance and denial are two types of danger control responses.


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