CHMN 201 Quiz Final

CHMN 201 Quiz Final

  1. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 31, “In addition, spiritual people will be ______ when dealing with the rest of the accountability members.”
  2. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 27, “Prayer as a general term describes talking to God. Intercession is more specific It describes coming to God
  3. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 28, “The word “________” is a military term meaning “an authoritative order, charge, or direction.”
  4. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 31, “Therefore, this support system needs to be prepared, thoughtful, and tethered to the Word of God so as to support us with
  5. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 28, “Various aspects of mentoring and making disciples were given. Some of them were; Pray for a few faithful people to pour your life into, Spend as much time with them as you can, Pour into their lives the things the Lord is teaching you, Allow them to do ministry along-side of you, Push them to pour their lives into others,
  6. According to Dr. Gutierrez in Be Encouraged!, God is…
  7. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 30, “________”: this word takes the responsibility of the minister to discipline a sinning believer to the next level.
  8. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 31, “A ‘spiritual’ person is one who has and is currently demonstrating a pattern of righteousness that has translated into ______ when around believers and in their private, personal life.”
  9. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 27, “We must be men and women of prayer who learn to pray powerfully and effectively for
  10. According to Dr. Gutierrez in Be Encouraged!, it is out of _________________________ that [God] wraps us in His protective arms and leads us, guides us, and protects us.
  11. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 31, “If you do meet the requirements of a spiritual person, are you committed to leading members of the body of Christ to become _____ people themselves?”
  12. According to Dr. Gutierrez in Be Encouraged!, by learning to say “no” you are showing a level of spiritual wisdom.
  13. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 28, “Ministry is ____________________________________so you can reach the many.”
  14. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 31, ____________________ absolutely essential for those who hope to be all they can be for Go”
  15. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 31, “Therefore, an accountability group is there for the purpose of _____ and positioning the souls of the members into perfect alignment with God’s Word”
  16. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 29, “A healthy Christian small group is a gathering of three to fifteen people who meet regularly together for the purpose of spiritual
  17. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 29, “Man being made in the image of God beckons back to the ________ essence of God”
  18. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 28, “Ministry is obeying the __________________of Jesus by making disciples.
  19. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 27, “Jesus lived ______. His entire ministry is identifying with us, standing in our stead, and going to God the Father on our behalf.”
  20. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 30, “________”: This word implies that the preacher should show the reasons behind why certain acts are sinful and lovingly correct and discipline a person if needed
  21. According to Chapter 21 of Everyday Ministry, God never wastes a hurt.
  22. According to Chapter 23 of Everyday Ministry, encouragement is a one-size fits all activity.
  23. According to Chapter 21 of Everyday Ministry, through the empathy that comes from having been down the same road of suffering as another, we can minister more effectively than otherwise possible. Which of the following is also true?
  24. According to Chapter 25 of Everyday Ministry, we should be able to discern between what is better and best.
  25. According to Chapter 21 of Everyday Ministry, “forgotten experiences can greatly benefit ministry.”
  26. Finzel reminds us that regardless of what orientation one has in leadership style, task or people, effective leaders…
  27. According to Chapter 26 of Everyday Ministry, ministerial competition is a sin.
  28. According to Chapter 25 of Everyday Ministry, God reminds us that doing ministry without taking time to feed off His Holy Word will leave us frustrated and unfulfilled in ministry.
  29. David and Warren Wiersbe say, “The power of ministry is _________________________________.”
  30. According to Chapter 22 of Everyday Ministry, anytime a person gives his or her life to Jesus Christ, it is never a solo operation. Who is always involved?
  31. According to Chapter 24 of Everyday Ministry, if we love people, we must love them enough to want what is best for them and for
  32. According to Chapter 22 of Everyday Ministry, when Scripture says, “He will give you another Counselor,” in the Greek the word “Counselor” is parakletos which is a compound verb with the prefix para (alongside) and the verbal base kaleo (to call). So…
  33. According to Chapter 22 of Everyday Ministry, ministry is recognizing the role the Holy Spirit plays in the lives of the people we are ministering to.
  34. In chapter 21 of Everyday Ministry, Dr. Earley shares part of Sheila Walsh’s story. One of the gifts she discovered in the desert was that she had a
  35. Henri J. Nouwen says, “I have always been complaining that my work was constantly interrupted, until I slowly discovered…
  36. According to Chapter 24 of Everyday Ministry, when Galatians 6:1 says to “restore such a person”, the word restore (katartizo) means “to forgive.”
  37. According to Chapter 26 of Everyday Ministry, ministry is focusing on
  38. According to Chapter 22 of Everyday Ministry, if we make spiritual progress, it must be accomplished
  39. According to Chapter 25 of Everyday Ministry, Jesus said that _________________________ can make an eternal impact on anyone’s life.
  40. Which of the following is a “Rule for Relationships” according to Bill Hornsby?
  41. According to Ministry Is, chapter 5, “Note that it was not merely a call to follow Jesus, but it was also a call to “_____ _____ ______.”
  42. According to Ministry Is, chapter 1, “Real ministry often leads us out of comfort and convenience into dangerous situations. It is serving ____ ____ ____.”
  43. According to Ministry Is, chapter 4, “After nearly a decade in India, Charles heard about the urgent need for missionaries in the wild, unexplored interior of _
  44. According to Ministry Is, chapter 4, “Ministry is ________ _________.”
  45. According to Ministry Is, chapter 2, “A slave finds his or her ____ in the Master.”
  46. According to Ministry Is, chapter 5, “As members of The Jesus Academy, the disciples were to develop the compassion for lost people that characterized their _______…”
  47. According to Ministry Is, chapter 2, “For the “doulos,” the bondservant, the love-slave, the ____ ____ _____was a symbol of a love pierced heart.”
  48. According to Ministry Is, chapter 5, “Memorization of the ______, the key portions of the rest of the Old Testament, and their rabbi’s words was essential.”
  49. According to Ministry Is, chapter 2, “For those of us called into a life of ministry, we need to recognize that ministry means being the ___________ of Jesus Christ.”
  50. According to Ministry Is, chapter 4, “Ministry is much more than a mere ______ ______. It is enlisting in a battle and giving headaches to hell.”
  51. According to Ministry Is, chapter 4, “Charles Thomas (C.T.) Studd was the most outstanding _____ _______ in England at the end of the 19th “
  52. According to Ministry Is, chapter 1, “Paul described his ____ (διακονία) as blameless (2 Corinthians 6:3) and himself as a ____ (διάκονος ) who was commendable to God (2 Corinthians 6:4).”
  53. According to Ministry Is, chapter 3, “Ministry is… A____ ___ _____.”
  54. According to Ministry Is, chapter 1, “Paul makes it crystal clear – the real servant of Christ serves in spite of ____ and ____.”
  55. According to Ministry Is, chapter 3, “Who better to deliver the message of mercy than those who have personally experienced God’s ______!”
  56. According to Dr. Gutierrez in Be Encouraged, it is important that before we counsel others about how to endure their storms, we as ministers need to settle in our own minds that God is faithful.
  57. According to Ministry Is, chapter 1, “[Real Christian Ministry] It is not about ____, but about ____. It is not about being ____; it is about
  58. According to Ministry Is, chapter 2, “A slave is ____ completely by his or her Master.”
  59. According to Ministry Is, chapter 2, “A slave is devoted to the Master by ____.”
  60. According to Ministry Is, chapter 4, in his journals, Jim Elliot wrote, “Oh that God would make us
  61. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 3, “_____ is God’s way of withholding the punishment and judgment we deserve.”
  62. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 10, “Ministry is all about fulfilling our ___ ____ ____ ___ for as long as God wants us in the game.”
  63. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 6, “When the Great Commission is analyzed more closely, it reveals several important practices essential to fulfilling the mandate.” These 4 practices are:
  64. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 9, “It was “God” who performed all that was necessary to prepare him to be a minister. God _______ you! God _______ you! God _______ you! God _______ you!”
  65. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 9, “Ministry is allowing your expressions of gratitude to ____ ____ ____in your congregation.”
  66. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 2, “in order to live as a slave of Jesus Christ, you must recognize your place.”
  67. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 7, “All John saw and wrote in the book we call the Revelation points to one dangerous question. It may be the most important question ever asked. That question is this:
  68. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 10, “____ ____” is likened to walking up to the scrimmage line to execute the specific play that God has given you to execute.”
  69. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 10, “Within us is a desire to steal the praise of our Creator and take credit for all of the accomplishments that we experience in our lives.”
  70. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 7,”I believe that most people give their hearts to objects that are_
  71. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 6, “There is really no way to fulfill the Great Commission apart from
  72. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 2, “Realizing God owned her made it possible for [the widow in Mark 12] to give all she owned back to God.”
  73. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 9, ” As ministers, the more we express our ______ for what God has done in our lives the more those around us will be drawn to this contagious practice by praising God for all He has done for each of them. “
  74. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 2, “For those of us called into a life of ministry, we need to recognize that ministry means being the ____ of Jesus Christ.”
  75. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 3, “the mission of every minister in the body of Christ should be…”
  76. 97 According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 10, “Every minister has to settle the ‘______issue’ at some time in his/her life.”
  77. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 2, “of all the terms for servant, doulos was the highest level of servitude.
  78. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 8, “The one basic qualification for lasting ministry is found in an overflowing ____ relationship with Jesus.”
  79. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 8, “In their encounter, Jesus asked Peter one of the most significant, one of the most penetrating, one of the most dangerous questions that any potential minister can be asked. “___ ___ ____ ____?”
  80. According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 9, “Making time to express your gratitude to God in ________ so you will be able to serve in
  81. According to Gutierrez (Chapter One), “When the Bible instructs you to “Let this mind be in you,” it is implying that if you want to have the Mind of Christ you must also change your thinking.”
  82. According to Gutierrez (Chapter One), “Unity of Purpose focuses on…”
  83. According to Gutierrez (Introduction), “Only the ‘spiritually elite’ are able to live out the Mind of Christ.”
  84. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Five), “The point is that true, God-honoring praise requires words!”
  85. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Two), “It is hard to know why the Lord allows some to continue in their pride as they live their lives and even minister as Christian leaders. But be assured of this truth: …”
  86. According to Guiterrez (Chapter One), “Unity of Purpose means that, amid the many diverse personalities and skill sets of the people within our churches and ministries, we need to make sure we maintain _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ that we are involved in church work or a Christian ministry.”
  87. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Two), “God will sustain you with His encouragement that is neither empty nor fleeting by informing you of _____ _____!”
  88. According to Gutierrez (Chapter One), “Circumstances can _____ change a heart. Circumstances can put great or little pressure on the decision maker, but they only provide the environment in which a change of heart takes place.
  89. According to Gutierrez (Appendix – Figure 1 – Chart of Philippians 2:1-11), which verses comprise the “Result/Reward?”
  90. According to Gutierrez (Appendix – Figure 1 – Chart of Philippians 2:1-11), which verses comprise the “Rationale?”
  91. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Four), “The Apostle Paul penned Philippians 2:6-8 in order to provide…”
  92. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Four), “According to this verse [Phil. 2:6], Jesus was _____100% God in the flesh the entire time He was physically on this earth.”
  93. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Five), “We must have a _____ _____ when it comes to offering praise to man and praise to God.”
  94. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Five), “If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, my prayer for you is that your words would not merely be perfunctory acts of liturgy, but rather…”
  95. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Three), “Our purpose for inquiring as to what is going on in the lives of our friends and family members is not to pry or to satisfy our curiosity, but to see how we can offer our support, prayers, or simply just a listening ear – for the benefit of the other person.”
  96. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Two), “Remember, God’s Word is likened to “_____.” And if you saturate yourself with the Word of God, you are going to be able to discern anything that is not _____.”
  97. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Two), part of putting humility into practice is to do self-examination regularly.
  98. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Two), “Self-promoters eventually reveal themselves to everyone because the ones who desire to promote themselves begin to deceive themselves in believing that they are better disguisers of their motives than they really are!”
  99. “The problem is that when Paul penned the words in Philippians 2:5 (“Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus”) he never intended them to be applied in a specific sense. He never intended these words to be a specific statement for a possible counseling situation and for a decision in a believer’s life. Paul had a much more general application in mind when he penned these words — very general!
  100. According to Gutierrez (Chapter Two), “_____ _____” implies that one is doing something for the sole purpose of promoting himself and not the glory of God.”
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