PSYC 101 Quiz 4 Learning

PSYC 101 Quiz 4: Learning, Memory, and Intelligence

  1. A stimulus that elicits an automatic, unlearned response from an organism
  2. Operant conditioning is closely associated with which scientist?
  3. Which of these are NOT a type of conditioning?
  4. reinforcer: unwanted or painful stimulus is removed and consequently, the probability that the behavior will be repeated is increased.
  5. The type of imitative behavior that involves learning a novel response is called
  6. The net effect of ________ is to increase the likelihood that new information is retained in long-term memory.
  7. ______ rate: rate of learning
  8. Maintenance rehearsal is defined as a _____ level of rehearsal typically characterized by repeating something many times
  9. Theories that look at intellectual processes such as those involved in thinking, problem solving, imagining, and anticipating.
  10. Judgments we make about how effective we are in given situations.
  11. Which is an example of intrinsic reinforcement?
  12. A memory can also be an individual instance of _____, _____, and _____ information.
  13. An approach concerned mainly with intellectual events such as problem solving, information processing, thinking, and imagining.
  14. The single most important processing ability is ______.
  15. The type of imitative behavior resulting in the suppression of previously acquired deviant behavior.
  16. ______ rate: rate of forgetting
  17. A model other than a real-life person, for example, books, television, and written instructions are important _____ models.
  18. Theories concerned with objective evidence of behavior rather than with consciousness and mind are
  19. reinforcers: stimuli that may not be reinforcing initially but that eventually become reinforcing as a function of having been associated with other reinforcers.
  20. Which is an example of extrinsic reinforcement?
  21. is defined as a general term for student-centered approaches to teaching, such as discovery-oriented approaches, reciprocal learning, or cooperative instruction.
  22. Discovery learning is a ______ approach to teaching in which the acquisition of new knowledge comes about largely through the learner’s own efforts.
  23. reinforcement: reinforcement to increase a behavior in the future that comes from an internal source
  24. A muscular, glandular, or mental reaction to a stimulus.
  25. is defined as imitative behavior in which the observer does not copy the model’s responses but simply behaves in a related manner.
  26. Which is a type of reinforcement schedule?
  27. Spontaneous recovery is classical conditioning-related behavior referring to the rapid re-emergence of a previously extinguished behavior.
  28. ______ are stimulus–response associations.
  29. Another term for short-term memory is ______.
  30. Unconditioned response is defined as the automatic, unlearned response an organism gives when the unconditioned stimulus is presented. This discovery was made by which scientist?
  31. The global score derived from standardized intelligence tests.
  32. When old information prevents the formation or recall of newer information.
  33. Results from the consequences of the act itself defines _____ reinforcement.
  34. Pleasing or positive stimulus is given and consequently, the probability that the behavior will be repeated is increased.
  35. The most researched and widely supported theory of intelligence.
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