PSYC 101 Quiz 1 The Science of Psychology

PSYC 101 Quiz 1 The Science of Psychology

  1. is the study of how the mind of an organism adapts to its current environment.
  2. research methods provide information on the initial link between variables of interest.
  3. The systematic investigation of human behavior and thought can be defined as:
  4. Mission is the combination of ________ and __________.
  5. With positive correlations, as X _________, Y _________.
  6. is the examination of one’s own mind to inspect and report on personal thoughts or feelings about conscious experiences.
  7. The research process in psychology can be broadly divided into two major categories, which include _________ and _________.
  8. characteristics are various hints and cues that participants use to tell themselves how the research wants them to behave, or at least how they think the research wants them to behave.
  9. is when a questionnaire is designed to obtain information regarding individuals’ behaviors, attitudes, or opinions.
  10. is the consistency of your measure to produce similar results on different occasions.
  11. With negative correlations, as X _______, Y __________.
  12. makes observations about how variables are related to one another and describes the findings.
  13. Psychoanalysis is a psycho-therapeutic technique based on the belief that humans face psychological distress as a result of unconscious conflicts and desires, primarily _________ or __________, brought on during childhood
  14. Which of the following is NOT one of the conditions under which it is acceptable to use deception in research?
  15. Who established the brand of psychology known as structuralism?
  16. Which two psychologists were the primarily developers of behaviorism?
  17. Who is considered to be the founder of modern psychology?
  18. Passion is the combination of ________ and __________.
  19. What type of facts can be determined based on observational evidence?
  20. A _________ is a comprehensive and integrated view of the world from a Biblical perspective.
  21. research ensures no identifying information is gathered and participants cannot be identified once the study is concluded.
  22. In a double blind study, the participant ____________ to which group he or she has been assigned, and the researcher __________ to which group each participant has been assigned.
  23. observation is observing people or animals in their natural settings.
  24. A _______________ is a committee that can be found on college campus, in hospitals, government agencies, and private corporations that reviews proposals of intended research and evaluates if the research is ethical and if the rights of the participants are being protected.
  25. What is a set of orderly steps used to analyze and solve problems?
  26. A _______ an inert substance or object.
  27. is defined as the ability of your measurement to accurately measure what it is supposed to measure.
  28. Who believed in the idea of a “talking cure,” in which individuals who suffer from psychological distress could be released from distress by talking with a trained doctor?
  29. Vocation is the combination of ________ and __________.
  30. _______ is the scientific study of the prediction and control of behavior.
  31. Structuralism can be defined as breaking down conscious experiences into each of these fundamental elements EXCEPT:
  32. What is one of the essential goals of behavioral science?
  33. A variable can be defined as an event or characteristic with at least ____ possible values.
  34. Which philosopher primarily discussed the need to ignore sensory information to by looking inward to understand the true nature of the soul.
  35. What is the highest-level degree available in psychology?
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