EDUC 750 Quiz Ethical Research

EDUC 750 Quiz Ethical Research Conduct

EDUC 750 Quiz Education Research and Ethical Research Conduct

  1. Which of the following is NOT a motive for quantitative research methods?
  2. The _____ philosophy is closely linked to qualitative research approaches.
  3. Which statement accurately summarizes findings from the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services study on the impact of the Early Head Start program?
  4. Educational research relies on _____ thinking.
  5. Which statement is NOT true of educational research?
  6. Educational research is able to offer clear-cut, definitive answers about our social world.
  7. Illogical reasoning occurs when we jump to conclusions on the basis of invalid assumptions.
  8. Qualitative data cannot be converted to quantitative data.
  9. When our conclusions about empirical reality are correct, we have reached:
  10. When we consider whether or not the answer to a research question will make a difference for society we are addressing:
  11. According to the authors, one of the best sources for potential research questions is:
  12. Which aspect of a research proposal involves identifying human subjects’ issues?
  13. Which aspect of a research proposal involves reviewing the weaknesses of the proposed research?
  14. A researcher using a quantitative approach begins with a specific question in mind that carries through the research process.
  15. Valid knowledge is the central concern of scientific research.
  16. Descriptive research is often performed by government agencies.
  17. The authors discuss the Milgram experiment in order to illustrate:
  18. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAa. created stringent regulations for the protection of:
  19. The American Educational Research Association has adopted ethics regulations that are _____ than federal regulations.
  20. Why did Amos Hatch reportedly feel guilty following his six-month study of social interactions in kindergarteners?
  21. Which U. S. human rights violation prompted the need for the protection of research subjects?
  22. How did Stanley Milgram attempt to minimize potential harm to his subjects?
  23. Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing is a book about ethics published by the American Psychological Association.
  24. The standard of confidentiality does not apply to information available in public records.
  25. The goal of validity is the pursuit of impartial knowledge.

Other sets

  1. All of the following statements are accurate about quantitative research except:
  2. Which statement is NOT true of educational research?
  3. The _____ philosophy is closely linked to qualitative research approaches.
  4. A researcher who is interested in studying bullying primarily because of his own childhood experience as a target of bullying is probably motivated by _____ reasons.
  5. The increasing influence of interpretive approaches on educational research is referred to as:
  6. Educational research begins with questions.
  7. Triangulation implies that viewing a situation from different perspectives will help the researcher gain a clearer picture of the educational situation being studied.
  8. Qualitative data cannot be converted to quantitative data.
  9. No Child Left Behind and the popularity of classroom-based research methods have raised awareness about the goal of :
  10. Which aspect of a research proposal involves reviewing the weaknesses of the proposed research?
  11. When our conclusions about empirical reality are correct, we have reached:
  12. The abbreviation RFP stands for:
  13. _____ is another term for internal validity.
  14. Our questions about various research topics are answered by educational theory.
  15. Descriptive research is often performed by government agencies.
  16. Researchers test a hypothesis, not the entire theory.
  17. IRB stands for:
  18. In her 2009 school-based interview study, how did graduate student Esta Montano maintain her subjects’ privacy and condentiality?
  19. Minimizing possible harm to subjects and maximizing benets are cornerstones of the ethical principle referred to as:
  20. _____ and _____ are two levels of protection provided for children who participate in research.
  21. The authors discuss the Milgram experiment in order to illustrate:
  22. Which U. S. human rights violation prompted the need for the protection of research subjects?
  23. According to the authors, ethical research practice is straightforward as long as one follows the guidelines set by the federal government.
  24. The standard of confidentiality does not apply to information available in public records.
  25. Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing is a book about ethics published by the American Psychological Association.

Set 2

  1. Educational research relies on _____ thinking.
  2. Lake has been teaching first grade for four years. Each year, she has found that many of her curly-haired students are shy. Therefore, she has concluded that all children with curly hair are shy. She is displaying an error of:
  3. The primary difference between the post-positivist and the positivist philosophies involves the issue of:
  4. Which of the following is NOT a motive for quantitative research methods?
  5. The increasing influence of interpretivist approaches on educational research is referred to as:
  6. Qualitative data cannot be converted to quantitative data.
  7. In order to understand the educational world, it is important to critically evaluate the ideas of those in positions of authority.
  8. Errors of thinking seldom occur in casual conversation.
  9. When we consider whether or not the answer to a research question will make a difference for society we are addressing:
  10. Which one of the following characteristics is NOT a criterion for a good educational research question?
  11. Educational research attempts to connect _____ with _____.
  12. According to the authors, one of the best sources for potential research questions is:
  13. Which of the following is NOT one of the stages involved in formulating a good research question?
  14. The authors recommend avoiding information found on the web when searching the research literature.
  15. When reviewing the research literature, it is helpful to remember that all of a study’s important information is found in the abstract.
  16. Our questions about various research topics are answered by educational theory.
  17. One way that a researcher may address potential ethical dilemmas between researcher and funding agency is to:
  18. Which agency monitors IRBs when a research study involves drugs?
  19. The 1979 Belmont Report established three basic principles for the protection of human subjects. What were these principles?
  20. Minimizing possible harm to subjects and maximizing benefits are cornerstones of the ethical principle referred to as:
  21. When assessing the validity of a study, it is important to:
  22. Which U. S. human rights violation prompted the need for the protection of research subjects?
  23. In order for an experiment to be considered valid, the research methods must be kept confidential.
  24. Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing is a book about ethics published by the American Psychological Association.
  25. The goal of validity is the pursuit of impartial knowledge.
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