NBST 515 Quiz 1

NBST 515 Quiz: The Study of the New Testament

  1. According to Elwell, a canon is an authoritative collection of documents.
  2. According to the presentations, reading the Gospels “vertically” means to read each of the four Gospels individually as a “solo,” rather than as a “quartet” of voices.
  3. According to the presentations, the “temptations” of Jesus by Satan are more properly understood as “trials.”
  4. According to Elwell, Jesus was sent to Pilate, Herod Antipas, and then back to Pilate before being crucified.
  5. According to Elwell, the earliest description we have of the Gospels as books, referred to as “memoirs,” comes from
  6. According to Elwell, most Jews who believed in the Messiah believed that he would defeat the Romans and make Jerusalem the center of the world.
  7. According to Elwell, the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures are called
  8. According to the presentations, while the four Gospels differ in some of the details of Jesus’ resurrection, they all agree that the risen Jesus first appeared to women.
  9. According to the presentations, the first Christians were Jews who had come to believe that Jesus of Nazareth was Israel’s long-awaited Messiah.
  10. According to the presentations, which group of first-century Jews are believed to be responsible for the Dead Sea Scrolls?
  11. According to Elwell, our primary source of information about the Jewish Roman War of AD 66-70 was composed by
  12. According to Elwell, New Testament theologians call the preached gospel the “kerygma.”
  13. According to Elwell, the single most important idea unifying Jews had to do with their relationship to God and their own sense of uniqueness in the history of the world.
  14. According to Elwell, the New Testament tells of the fulfillment of what the Old Testament promises.
  15. According to the presentations, the Jewishness of early Christianity is most pronounced in which New Testament book?
  16. According to the presentations, “a sabbath day’s journey” was the distance one could travel on the sabbath day without violating the commandment to keep the sabbath.
  17. According to Elwell, Jesus and most of his hearers were unfamiliar with the Old Testament.
  18. According to Elwell, all four Gospels associate Jesus with the ministry of John the Baptist.
  19. According to Elwell, for Jews living outside of Palestine, the synagogue was the chief unifying institution.
  20. According to Elwell, the Dead Sea Scrolls were the sacred library belonging to which Jewish sect?

Set 2

  1. According to Elwell, we should study the New Testament because
  2. According to Elwell, first-century Judaism was primarily a way of life rather than a set of
  3. According to Elwell, the Hebrew Scriptures were eventually divided into three sections: the Torah, the Prophets, and the
  4. According to the presentations, the “radical wing” of the liberal group, the Pharisees, was likely the
  5. According to Elwell, the earliest description we have of the Gospels as books, referred to as “memoirs,” comes from
  6. According to the presentations, which group of first-century Jews are believed to be responsible for the Dead Sea Scrolls?
  7. According to Elwell, which disciple did not believe that Jesus had risen from the dead until he actually saw him?
  8. According to Elwell, after the resurrection, Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene and no one
  9. According to the presentations, the Pharisees believed that God, at Sinai, gave Moses two Torahs, one written and one
  10. According to Elwell, Jesus was sent to Pilate, Herod Antipas, and then back to Pilate before being
  11. According to Elwell, the Christian Bible is divided into two sections, the Old Testament and the New Testament, with some modern Bibles containing a third section called the apocryphal or deuterocanonical
  12. According to Elwell, the group of 10 cities, most of which were on the eastern side of the Jordan River and granted a large measure of self-governance by the Romans, were known as the
  13. According to the presentations, Judaism, in the first century AD, was a monolithic religion comprised of a single group in which all Jews believed exactly the same
  14. According to Elwell, Jesus and most of his hearers were unfamiliar with the Old
  15. According to Elwell, the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures are called
  16. According to Elwell, the Sea of Galilee is 1290 feet below sea
  17. According to the presentations, while the four Gospels differ in some of the details of Jesus’ resurrection, they all agree that the risen Jesus first appeared to
  18. According to the presentations, the Sadducees accepted all parts of the Hebrew Bible as
  19. According to Elwell, most Jews who believed in the Messiah believed that he would defeat the Romans and make Jerusalem the center of the world.
  20. According to the presentations, which group of first-century Jews denied the belief in the afterlife and the resurrection of the dead?
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