PLST 205 Quiz 3

PLST 205 Quiz 3 Liberty University

PLST 205 Quiz Separation of Power and the U.S. Constitution will cover the course material from Module 6: Week 6 – Module 7: Week 7.

Set 1

  1. Unless the law is based on biblical standards, the law has no basis for saying that it is wrong to kill people over eighty years old who are an unnecessary burden on our economy.
  2. Where in the U.S. Constitution is the necessary and proper clause found?
  3. The danger in a form of government that believes that government creates rights is that the government can also take rights away.
  4. Thomas Jefferson was a participant at the Constitutional Convention.
  5. The U.S. Supreme Court always has interpreted the general welfare clause to permit government expenditures on programs for the benefit of a specific group of people in need.
  6. Which branch of government has the least number of lines in the U.S.
  7. James Madison’s proposal for the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause stated that
  8. The original definition of a penumbra is
  9. Where in the Constitution is Congress given the power to regulate interstate commerce?
  10. What branch of government has a responsibility to secure the blessings of liberty by interpreting the U.S. Constitution in terms consistent with the Bible?
  11. With only one exception, for how many years after enactment of the Fourteenth Amendment in 1868 did the U.S. Supreme Court reject application of the Bill of Rights as against the States?
  12. Under the Constitution, which branch of government makes laws?
  13. Which clause is often referred to as the “elastic clause” because it has been stretched so far beyond what was originally intended?
  14. Which of the following defended the constitutionality of a national bank?
  15. Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution establishes our legal basis upon the early common law?
  16. Which of the following is true about Thomas Jefferson?
  17. Which of the following is not a power of the President specifically enumerated in the Constitution?
  18. How many justices comprise the United States Supreme Court?
  19. How many states must ratify a constitutional amendment?
  20. According to Alexander Hamilton in Federalist No. 78, the judiciary is to
  21. The Bible states that the government should provide for the poor among us.
  22. In what decision did the U.S. Supreme Court declare that the freedom of speech and of the press applied to the states?
  23. According to the authors of Contending for the Constitution, in order to establish a religion there must be
  24. Which of the following is not a reason listed by the authors of Contending for the Constitution to support the conclusion that Lawrence v. Texas
  25. The Blaine Amendment, which was not enacted,

Set 2

  1. The danger in a form of government that believes that government creates rights is that the government can also take rights away.
  2. Which of the following is true about Thomas Jefferson?
  3. Which branch(es) of government is/are the least democratic?
  4. In what decision did the U.S. Supreme Court first apply the phrase “wall of separation between church and state?”
  5. Who introduced evolutionary ideas into the field of jurisprudence?
  6. What enumerated authority does Congress have to check the power of the judiciary?
  7. In Federalist No. 45, James Madison stated that the powers of the national government are
  8. James Madison’s proposal for the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause stated that
  9. The day after the House of Representatives voted to adopt the First Amendment, Representative Elias Boudinot proposed a resolution asking the President to do what, which the President agreed to do?
  10. In what decision did the U.S. Supreme Court declare that the freedom of speech and of the press applied to the states?
  11. Which of the following defended the constitutionality of a national bank?
  12. Which of the following is not a reason listed by the authors of Contending for the Constitution to support the conclusion that Lawrence v. Texas
  13. According to Alexander Hamilton in Federalist No. 78, which branch was designed to be the least powerful?
  14. How many states must ratify a constitutional amendment?
  15. Unless the law is based on biblical standards, the law has no basis for saying that it is wrong to kill people over eighty years old who are an unnecessary burden on our economy.
  16. Which branch of government has the least number of lines in the U.S. Constitution?
  17. Under the Constitution, which branch of government makes laws?
  18. How many justices comprise the United States Supreme Court?
  19. With only one exception, for how many years after enactment of the Fourteenth Amendment in 1868 did the U.S. Supreme Court reject application of the Bill of Rights as against the States?
  20. Which prong of the Lemon test is based on the false presupposition that government can be neutral towards religion?
  21. Which clause is often referred to as the “elastic clause” because it has been stretched so far beyond what was originally intended?
  22. Where in the U.S. Constitution is the necessary and proper clause found?
  23. What judicial opinion destroyed the distinction between interstate and intrastate commerce?
  24. The Blaine Amendment, which was not enacted,
  25. As far back as the 1790s, Congress understood that the general welfare clause allowed Congress to expend monies on objects of benevolence or public charity.
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