AVIA 340 Quiz 1 Stability

AVIA 340 Quiz 1 Liberty University

AVIA 340 Quiz: Stability, Clouds and Precipitation

Module 1: Week 1 — Module 3: Week 3

  1. Which form of vertical motion occurs when the cold, denser air wedges under the warm, less dense air, plowing it upward, and/or the warmer air rides up and over the colder air.
  2. Which circulation is a low-latitude air movement toward the Equator that, with heating, rises vertically with poleward movement in the upper atmosphere? This circulation forms a convection cell that dominates tropical and subtropical climates.
  3. Wind cannot change the stability of a column of air in the atmosphere.
  4. A gust is a fluctuation of wind speed with variations of 20 knots or more between peaks and lulls.
  5. is the state of a column of air in the atmosphere when its lapse rate of temperature is less than the moist adiabatic lapse rate.
  6. The atmosphere always contains some water vapor in amounts varying from trace to about four percent by volume. As water vapor content increases, the other gases decrease proportionately.
  7. The “pause” in concentric layers is where the maximum changes in thermal characteristics, chemical composition, movement, and density occur.
  8. Stable air suppresses vertical motion while unstable air enhances it.
  9. The occurrence of lightning and thunder within or from this cloud leads to its popular appellations: thundercloud, thunderhead and thunderstorm.
  10. All clouds contain water.
  11. Heat is the total potential energy of the atoms and molecules composing a substance.
  12. Sea breezes usually blow on relatively calm, sunny, summer days.
  13. The moist adiabatic lapse rate can vary between approximately 1.2 °C per 1,000 feet to 3 °C per 1,000 feet.
  14. 500 millibars is equivalent to 10,000 feet (based on standard temperatures).
  15. Density altitude is the pressure altitude corrected for temperature deviations from the standard atmosphere.
  16. In the United States, where is lake effect common?
  17. Assuming constant mass and temperature, an air parcel with a higher pressure is denser than an air parcel with a lower pressure.
  18. In what part of the atmosphere are meteors found?
  19. Local winds include:
  20. The standard sea level temperature is 59 degrees Celsius.
  21. The disadvantages of flying in the stratosphere can include:
  22. Assuming constant mass and pressure, an air parcel with a higher temperature is ____ dense than an air parcel with a lower temperature.
  23. Why do commercial airplanes usually y in the lower stratosphere?
  24. Sublimation is the phase transition by which vapor (a gas) is changed into a liquid.
  25. Which air mass classification is defined by these properties? A relatively shallow cool to cold air mass which develops over high latitudes.

Set 1

  1. Which air mass classification is defined by these properties? A relatively shallow cool to cold air mass which develops over high latitudes.
  2. Friction force magnitude is directly proportional to wind speed.
  3. Nimbus comes from the Latin word meaning _______.
  4. Assuming constant mass and temperature, an air parcel with a higher pressure is denser than an air parcel with a lower pressure.
  5. 500 millibars is equivalent to 10,000 feet (based on standard temperatures).
  6. The atmosphere always contains some water vapor in amounts varying from trace to about four percent by volume. As water vapor content increases, the other gases decrease proportionately.
  7. In the United States, where is lake effect common?
  8. Stable air suppresses vertical motion while unstable air enhances it.
  9. Pressure is the ratio of any quantity to the volume or area it occupies.
  10. Greenhouse warming is most enhanced during ____ nights.
  11. Clouds form in the atmosphere as a result of condensation of water vapor in rising currents of air.
  12. In what part of the atmosphere are meteors found?
  13. The occurrence of lightning and thunder within or from this cloud leads to its popular appellations: thundercloud, thunderhead and thunderstorm.
  14. Sublimation is the phase transition by which vapor (a gas) is changed into a liquid.
  15. Local winds include:
  16. Using the Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion formula, what temperature is equivalent to 30 degrees Celsius?
  17. A high pressure system is anticyclonic.
  18. Frontal systems point in the opposite direction of frontal movement.
  19. The standard sea level temperature is 59 degrees Celsius.
  20. A _____ is an elongated area of relatively low atmospheric pressure.
  21. _______ is the state of a column of air in the atmosphere when its lapse rate of temperature is less than the moist adiabatic lapse rate.
  22. High density altitude is a hazard since it reduces aircraft performance in which ways?
  23. The shortest day of the year is known as the ____.
  24. ____________ occur when there is a shallow layer aloft with above freezing temperatures and with a deep layer of below freezing air based at the surface.
  25. Which form of vertical motion occurs when the cold, denser air wedges under the warm, less dense air, plowing it upward, and/or the warmer air rides up and over the colder air.

Set 2

  1. Heat is the total potential energy of the atoms and molecules composing a substance.
  2. Greenhouse warming is most enhanced during ____ nights.
  3. Which circulation is a low-latitude air movement toward the Equator that, with heating, rises vertically with poleward movement in the upper atmosphere? This circulation forms a convection cell that dominates tropical and subtropical climates.
  4. In what part of the atmosphere are meteors found?
  5. Sea breezes usually blow on relatively calm, sunny, summer days.
  6. High density altitude is a hazard since it reduces aircraft performance in which ways?
  7. Friction force magnitude is directly proportional to wind speed.
  8. Which form of vertical motion occurs when the cold, denser air wedges under the warm, less dense air, plowing it upward, and/or the warmer air rides up and over the colder air.
  9. Wind cannot change the stability of a column of air in the atmosphere. (
  10. High-level clouds that form above 20,000 feet and are usually composed of ice crystals are known as ______ clouds.
  11. The standard sea level temperature is 59 degrees Celsius.
  12. While in flight, the rawinsonde instrument (in weather balloons) transmits:
  13. ____________ occur when there is a shallow layer aloft with above freezing temperatures and with a deep layer of below freezing air based at the surface.
  14. What is the most common gas in the Earth’s atmosphere?
  15. Clouds form in the atmosphere as a result of condensation of water vapor in rising currents of air.
  16. _______ is the state of a column of air in the atmosphere when its lapse rate of temperature is less than the moist adiabatic lapse rate.
  17. Diurnal temperature variation is the property of the ambient air that either enhances or suppresses vertical motion of air parcels and determines which type of clouds and precipitation a pilot will encounter.
  18. Which of the following are considered high-level clouds?
  19. Using the Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion formula, what temperature is equivalent to 30 degrees Celsius?
  20. Weather is the atmosphere’s response to unequal rates of radiational heating and cooling across the surface of the Earth and within its atmosphere.
  21. A _____ is an elongated area of relatively low atmospheric pressure.
  22. A gust is a fluctuation of wind speed with variations of 20 knots or more between peaks and lulls.
  23. Why do commercial airplanes usually fly in the lower stratosphere?
  24. The “pause” in concentric layers is where the maximum changes in thermal characteristics, chemical composition, movement, and density occur.
  25. All clouds contain water.
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