COSC 660 Quiz 5

COSC 660 Quiz 5 Liberty University

COSC 660 Quiz: Multicultural Competence

  1. oppression is characterized by an individual believing the stereotypes about his or her group and then acting accordingly.
  2. Professional school counselors who counsel diverse students but do not have training and supervised experience in multicultural counseling are
  3. refers to equity, equality, and fairness in the distribution of societal resources and includes a focus on the structures and outcomes of social processes and how they contribute to equality.
  4. Which part of multicultural counseling competence stresses the understanding of personal world views and how counselors are the products of their cultural conditioning?
  5. Why does the “melting pot philosophy” of counseling culturally different clients have negative consequences?
  6. Professional school counselors can increase their level of multicultural competence by
  7. In the context of the chapter, the term power refers to
  8. To highlight the importance of becoming a culturally competent professional counselor, the American Counseling Association (ACA) formally endorsed
  9. are the differences among groups who attain a college diploma based on data disaggregated by ethnicity/race, gender, social class, disability, and language identities, among others.
  10. What has created the debate over multicultural counseling?
  11. A segment of a larger society whose members are thought by themselves and others to have common origin and to share important segments of a common culture is termed
  12. Sometime in the 21st century __________ will make up a majority of the U.S. workforce.
  13. __________ is an emerging role in the schools that school counselors have to fill.
  14. It is important for counselors to be aware of their own cultural conditioning in order to
  15. Which of the following equations was presented in the chapter to define the term oppression?

Other sets

  1. It is important for counselors to be aware of their own cultural conditioning in order to
  2. A segment of a larger society whose members are thought by themselves and others to have common origin and to share important segments of a common culture is termed
  3. Counselors can prepare to serve diverse clientele by
  4. A professional school counselor with low multicultural competence provides counseling services that
  5. Professional school counselors can prepare to serve a diverse student population by
  6. Behavior based on conscious or unconscious negative assumptions about people who are culturally or racially different is known as
  7. In the context of the chapter, the term power refers to
  8. Counseling professionals and professional organizations, such as CACREP, define multicultural counseling not only in terms of race and ethnicity, but also in terms of
  9. What has created the debate over multicultural counseling?
  10. Culture has been described in many ways, to include
  11. _________ refers to the process by which individuals or groups of people are permanently confined to lives of social marginality because they are not attractive or not perceived as “acceptable” to people in the dominant culture.
  12. __________ refers to the phenomenon in which many members of a specific culture experience culture as the way things are and the way things should be.
  13. Professional school counselors can increase their level of multicultural competence by
  14. Why does the “melting pot philosophy” of counseling culturally different clients have negative consequences?
  15. According to Holcomb-McCoy, professional school counselors should
  16. The three dimensions of multicultural competence are
  17. __________ oppression is characterized by an individual believing the stereotypes about his or her group and then acting accordingly.
  18. In much of the current literature, the term “multicultural counseling” has been replaced by the use of the term
  19. __________ is an emerging role in the schools that school counselors have to fill.
  20. __________ is NOT one of the three main areas or dimensions of multicultural competence.
  21. To highlight the importance of becoming a culturally competent professional counselor, the American Counseling Association (ACA) formally endorsed
  22. Which of the following descriptors can be used to define the term empowerment?
  23. Which part of multicultural counseling competence stresses the understanding of personal world views and how counselors are the products of their cultural conditioning?
  24. Professional school counselors who counsel diverse students but do not have training and supervised experience in multicultural counseling are
  25. Which of the following does NOT describe or define race?
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