AVIA 242 Quiz 1 Liberty University
- Where will you find your fuel gauges on the Garmin G1000?
- How many Com Radios does the Garmin G1000 have in a Cessna 172?
- When turning the radio, which channel is active?
- How do you flip-flop your standby radio freq from standby to active?
- Can you listen and transmit on Com1 and listen to com2 at the same time. If so, how?
- ATC Gives you the following Cessna XXXX – Squawk 3210 IDENT
- The Garmin G1000 is capable of playing XM Radio Music?
- When you adjust the volume on the Com radios in the Garmin G1000, you are able to make one Com louder than the other?
- The following instruments are shown on the PFD:
- Will the G1000 NAV radio identify Morse Code?
- Up to 99 flight plans can be stored in the Garmin G1000?
- The active leg of your flight plan on the MFD map is magenta?
- You can view the active flight plan on both the PFD and MFD?
- How do you get in and out of the flight plan page group?
- The Emergency Procedures check list shows up first when you first push (CHKLIST on MFD)?
- When changing the radio channel, the frequency you are changing is within what color box
- To toggle between active navigation frequencies (ILS/VOR) you will press the <–> button to flip between the active and standby channel within the blue box. The active channel is on the right and the standby is on the left.
- How and where does your turn coordinator show up on the Garmin G1000 PFD?
- You can save a flight plan for later by pressing the following after entering your flight plan:
- TIS (Traffic Information Service) displays other aircraft traffic within 7.5nm, 3500 feet above, and 3000 below (when they have a working transponder).