ARTS 361 Quiz 1 Liberty University
- A photographer should always use the highest ISO number possible in a given lighting condition in order to get the clearest, best possible results with the least amount of noise.
- The camera feature that allows the photographer to see or compose their image on the back LCD screen of the camera instead of in the viewfinder is called what?
- Sometimes color itself can be the subject of a successful photograph, whether it’s the vibrancy of the color of the subject, or more subtly the color of the light that is striking the subject.
- Which of the following tools can assist the photographer in getting a more accurate white balance for their picture if they remember to use it?
- Which of the following camera shutter speeds would be best to use if you were trying to freeze the motion of a basketball player going up for a slam dunk?
- The quality, direction and color of the light illuminating the subject of a photograph almost always has no bearing on the overall success or failure of the photograph itself. In essence, “It’s all about the subject.”
- Using which of the following ISO values on your camera would give the greatest amount of noise in your photos?
- Always shoot and record a scene in full color with the camera regardless of whether you want the final image to be in color or black and white.
- Which camera exposure mode is the camera in when you set the aperture and the camera sets the shutter speed based on the light level of the scene?
- The camera inherently records too much detail about a scene, flooding the viewer with too much useless information; therefore, less detail often translates into stronger, more compelling photographs.
- A number that describes how much magnification of the subject that a lens will employ or how much of the scene a lens takes in is called?
- The camera only has one eye and therefore cannot show depth within a scene. What tool or tools are at the disposal of a photographer to give the viewer the illusion of depth within a photograph?
- One effective way to improve your picture-making skills as a photographer is to give yourself little self-projects or assignments to fulfill that would stimulate your creativity.
- What is the most common width to height ratio for DSLR cameras?
- Which of the following lens apertures would allow the least amount of light into the camera?
- It is perfectly acceptable for the photographer to change the white balance of the photograph from what was truly accurately witnessed by the photographer in order to create a specific mood to the photograph.
- If the amount of in-camera sharpening in a photograph is set too high, it’s not the big an issue and can easily be removed later in post processing.
- One major decision the photographer must make is at which precise moment they want to take the picture, hence recording “the decisive moment.”
- Which of the following camera apertures would allow for the greatest amount of depth of field within a photograph?
- Noise in a digital photograph is caused by what thing(s)?