THEO 530 Final

THEO 530 Final Liberty University

Comprehensive Final

Set 1

  1. Egalitarians teach that women in the New Testament functioned without limits in a leadership role as prophets.
  2. Erickson argues that the heart of the ministry of the church is
  3. A “sacrament” is considered by sacerdotal systems to be a “means of grace.”
  4. According to Erickson, Heaven and Hell represent permanent conditions where
  5. Erickson concludes that, in the end, the best pattern for church government argues for the congregational pattern of local autonomy.
  6. The so-called “pietistic approach” to the church, as reflected in Roman Catholicism, stresses the “invisible” church and tends to deemphasize the importance of the “local” church organization.
  7. The literal meaning of the Greek Term, “baptizo” is:
  8. According to Erickson, baptism is the outward sign of “spiritual circumcision” identifying the believer with Christ in His death and resurrection.
  9. According to Erickson, one of the reasons Ecclesiology is so misunderstood is the fact that at no point in the history of Christian thought has it been given the direct attention given to other doctrines such as Christology and the doctrine of the Trinity.
  10. Erickson suggests that the current intellectual mood toward empirical dynamic analysis has brought about the use of non-theological disciplines and methodologies, which poses a danger to the proper understanding of the nature of the church.
  11. Roman Catholicism is an example of
  12. Hierarchicalists (Complementarians)stress which of the following in arguing for their position
  13. Dispensationalists tend to think of their system as being, first and foremost, a…
  14. According to Erickson Romans 6: 1– 11 is crucial to the sacramentalists’ view of baptism, because in their interpretation of this passage, baptism actually unites us with Christ.
  15. Just as there are degrees of reward given to the saints, there will be degrees of punishment according to the teachings of Erickson and Hoyt.
  16. Augustine concluded that our choosing or doing good is best seen as a cooperative effort between what God has willed to do and what we choose to do in time.
  17. The Lutheran view of the Lord’s Supper
  18. The view that all the prophecies concerning the Tribulation and the second coming of Christ were fulfilled in the first century, A. D.
  19. Erickson writes that the final state of the wicked and the righteous is best understood as “conditional immortality.”
  20. Michael Brown’s conclusion in the book Can You Be Gay and Christian? is that a Christians can be committed to Jesus and serve Him faithfully while still having homosexual attractions—recognizing those attractions as contrary to God’s design and resisting them as sinful.
  21. According to Erickson, physical death was an original part of the human condition and planned from the beginning.
  22. The Mid-Tribulational view is a variant of the premillennial view of Jesus’ Second Coming
  23. According to Erickson conciliar unity between churches is the same as organic unity
  24. Erickson argues that the form the People of God took in the OT was national Israel; in the NT it is the church which began at Pentecost.
  25. The Judge at the Bema Seat judgment is Jesus
  26. Erickson agrees that a distinction is to be made between the use of “Hades” as signifying “death,” and “Gehenna” as signifying the place of eternal punishment assigned at the last judgment
  27. According to Erickson, the “four functions of the church” are Evangelism, Edification, Worship, and Social Concern
  28. Match the following:
    1. Episcopal
    2. Presbyterian
    3. Plymouth Brethren
    4. Baptist
  29. Match the following
    1. H. Dodd
    2. Juren Moltmann
    3. Albert Schweitzer
    4. F. Walvoord
  30. In the study of ecclesiology and eschatology it was noted that one’s hermeneutics is a key to determining how he or she will understand many of the key events such as the second coming, the millennial kingdom, and the judgments to follow. Explain this and give examples of theologians who disagree on the details of eschatology based on their approach to interpreting Bible prophecy.

Set 2

  1. Biblical Images of the Church as discussed by Erickson include: (Select the BEST answer)
  2. The Judge at the Bema Seat judgment is Jesus
  3. According to Erickson, the “four functions of the church” are Evangelism, Edification, Worship, and Social Concern
  4. Just as there are degrees of reward given to the saints, there will be degrees of punishment according to the teachings of Erickson and Hoyt.
  5. Erickson writes that the final state of the wicked and the righteous is best understood as “conditional immortality.”
  6. The view that all the prophecies concerning the Tribulation and the second coming of Christ were fulfilled in the first century, A. D.
  7. Evangelical Egalitarians tend to hold:
  8. According to Michael Brown, Jesus addressed the issue of homosexual practice in at least three different ways. Which of the following was NOT among the three that he listed?
  9. Erickson concludes that, in the end, the best pattern for church government argues for the congregational pattern of local autonomy.
  10. Erickson agrees that a distinction is to be made between the use of “Hades” as signifying “death,” and “Gehenna” as signifying the place of eternal punishment assigned at the last judgment
  11. According to Erickson, one of the reasons Ecclesiology is so misunderstood is the fact that at no point in the history of Christian thought has it been given the direct attention given to other doctrines such as Christology and the doctrine of the Trinity.
  12. Erickson argues that the form the People of God took in the OT was national Israel; in the NT it is the church which began at Pentecost.
  13. As Brown shared repeatedly through his book, being a disciple begins with denying ourselves and taking up the cross. This is a fundamental challenge to the same-sex revolution and its push for an acceptance of gay Christianity.
  14. Augustine concluded that our choosing or doing good is best seen as a cooperative effort between what God has willed to do and what we choose to do in time.
  15. Hierarchicalists (Complementarians)stress which of the following in arguing for their position
  16. Erickson suggests that the current intellectual mood toward empirical dynamic analysis has brought about the use of non-theological disciplines and methodologies, which poses a danger to the proper understanding of the nature of the church.
  17. The verdict at the judgment seat of Christ will be based on the believer’s works done in the body.
  18. The Mid-Tribulational view is a variant of the premillennial view of Jesus’ Second Coming
  19. According to Erickson, baptism is the outward sign of “spiritual circumcision” identifying the believer with Christ in His death and resurrection.
  20. The so-called “pietistic approach” to the church, as reflected in Roman Catholicism, stresses the “invisible” church and tends to deemphasize the importance of the “local” church organization.
  21. According to Samuel Hoyt, the Grecian games form the historical background to understanding
  22. A “sacrament” is considered by sacerdotal systems to be a “means of grace.”
  23. According to Erickson Romans 6: 1– 11 is crucial to the sacramentalists’ view of baptism, because in their interpretation of this passage, baptism actually unites us with Christ.
  24. According to Erickson, physical death was an original part of the human condition and planned from the beginning.
  25. Roman Catholicism is an example of
  26. According to Erickson conciliar unity between churches is the same as organic unity
  27. The Lutheran view of the Lord’s Supper
  28. Match the following:
    1. Episcopal
    2. Presbyterian
    3. Plymouth Brethren
    4. Baptist
  29. Match the following:
    1. Holy Spirit Blessings
    2. Name, Land, Seed Promises
    3. House, Throne, Kingdom
    4. Land Promises
  30. In the study of ecclesiology and eschatology it was noted that one’s hermeneutics is a key to determining how he or she will understand many of the key events such as the second coming, the millennial kingdom, and the judgments to follow. Explain this and give examples of theologians who disagree on the details of eschatology based on their approach to interpreting Bible prophecy.

Set 3

  1. Some dispensationalists consider the church to be a “parenthesis” in God’s program with Israel, rendering the church an afterthought in God’s plan.
  2. Evangelical Egalitarians tend to hold:
  3. According to Erickson, baptism is the outward sign of “spiritual circumcision” identifying the believer with Christ in His death and resurrection.
  4. Hoyt teaches that the Judgment seat of Christ
  5. The literal meaning of the Greek Term, “baptizo” is:
  6. Erickson argues that the form the People of God took in the OT was national Israel; in the NT it is the church which began at Pentecost.
  7. Augustine concluded that our choosing or doing good is best seen as a cooperative effort between what God has willed to do and what we choose to do in time.
  8. A “sacrament” is considered by sacerdotal systems to be a “means of grace.”
  9. Just as there are degrees of reward given to the saints, there will be degrees of punishment according to the teachings of Erickson and Hoyt.
  10. According to Erickson conciliar unity between churches is the same as organic unity
  11. According to Erickson, physical death was an original part of the human condition and planned from the beginning.
  12. Erickson agrees that a distinction is to be made between the use of “Hades” as signifying “death,” and “Gehenna” as signifying the place of eternal punishment assigned at the last judgment
  13. The Judge at the Bema Seat judgment is Jesus
  14. The Mid-Tribulational view is a variant of the premillennial view of Jesus’ Second Coming
  15. The so-called “pietistic approach” to the church, as reflected in Roman Catholicism, stresses the “invisible” church and tends to deemphasize the importance of the “local” church organization.
  16. Biblical Images of the Church as discussed by Erickson include: (Select the BEST answer)
  17. Erickson writes that the final state of the wicked and the righteous is best understood as “conditional immortality.”
  18. According to Samuel Hoyt, the Grecian games form the historical background to understanding
  19. Michael Brown’s conclusion in the book Can You Be Gay and Christian? is that a Christians can be committed to Jesus and serve Him faithfully while still having homosexual attractions—recognizing those attractions as contrary to God’s design and resisting them as sinful.
  20. Erickson concludes that, in the end, the best pattern for church government argues for the congregational pattern of local autonomy.
  21. Roman Catholicism is an example of
  22. The Lutheran view of the Lord’s Supper
  23. According to Michael Brown, Jesus addressed the issue of homosexual practice in at least three different ways. Which of the following was NOT among the three that he listed?
  24. Hierarchicalists (Complementarians)stress which of the following in arguing for their position
  25. Dispensationalists tend to think of their system as being, first and foremost, a…
  26. The view that all the prophecies concerning the Tribulation and the second coming of Christ were fulfilled in the first century, A. D.
  27. Erickson argues that the heart of the ministry of the church is
  28. Match the following
    1. H. Dodd
    2. Juren Moltmann
    3. Albert Schweitzer
    4. F. Walvoord
  29. Match the following
    1. Episcopal
    2. Presbyterian
    3. Plymouth Brethren
    4. Baptist

Set 4

  1. Just as there are degrees of reward given to the saints, there will be degrees of punishment according to the teachings of Erickson and Hoyt.
  2. In the Presbyterian form of church government all the churches in one area are governed by the presbytery (or “classis” in the Reformed churches) which is made up of one lay elder and one minister from each from each consistory (Reformed) or one lay elder from each session and all the ministers in the area (Presbyterian).
  3. According to Erickson, physical death was an original part of the human condition and planned from the beginning.
  4. The literal meaning of the Greek Term, “baptizo” is:
  5. Egalitarians teach that women in the New Testament functioned without limits in a leadership role as prophets.
  6. Erickson argues that the form the People of God took in the OT was national Israel; in the NT it is the church which began at Pentecost.
  7. According to Erickson, Heaven and Hell represent permanent conditions where
  8. According to Erickson Romans 6: 1– 11 is crucial to the sacramentalists’ view of baptism, because in their interpretation of this passage, baptism actually unites us with Christ.
  9. Augustine concluded that our choosing or doing good is best seen as a cooperative effort between what God has willed to do and what we choose to do in time.
  10. According to Erickson, baptism is the outward sign of “spiritual circumcision” identifying the believer with Christ in His death and resurrection.
  11. According to Erickson, one of the reasons Ecclesiology is so misunderstood is the fact that at no point in the history of Christian thought has it been given the direct attention given to other doctrines such as Christology and the doctrine of the Trinity.
  12. Erickson argues that the heart of the ministry of the church is
  13. Some dispensationalists consider the church to be a “parenthesis” in God’s program with Israel, rendering the church an afterthought in God’s plan.
  14. Erickson writes that the final state of the wicked and the righteous is best understood as “conditional immortality.”
  15. According to Michael Brown, Jesus addressed the issue of homosexual practice in at least three different ways. Which of the following was NOT among the three that he listed?
  16. As Brown shared repeatedly through his book, being a disciple begins with denying ourselves and taking up the cross. This is a fundamental challenge to the same-sex revolution and its push for an acceptance of gay Christianity.
  17. The view that all the prophecies concerning the Tribulation and the second coming of Christ were fulfilled in the first century, A. D.
  18. Michael Brown’s conclusion in the book Can You Be Gay and Christian? is that a Christians can be committed to Jesus and serve Him faithfully while still having homosexual attractions—recognizing those attractions as contrary to God’s design and resisting them as sinful.
  19. Evangelical Egalitarians tend to hold:
  20. Biblical Images of the Church as discussed by Erickson include: (Select the BEST answer)
  21. Dispensationalists tend to think of their system as being, first and foremost, a…
  22. The so-called “pietistic approach” to the church, as reflected in Roman Catholicism, stresses the “invisible” church and tends to deemphasize the importance of the “local” church organization.
  23. The Judge at the Bema Seat judgment is Jesus
  24. Hierarchicalists (Complementarians)stress which of the following in arguing for their position
  25. The Lutheran view of the Lord’s Supper
  26. A “sacrament” is considered by sacerdotal systems to be a “means of grace.”
  27. Erickson agrees that a distinction is to be made between the use of “Hades” as signifying “death,” and “Gehenna” as signifying the place of eternal punishment assigned at the last judgment
  28. Match the following:
  29. Match the following
  30. In the study of ecclesiology and eschatology it was noted that one’s hermeneutics is a key to determining how he or she will understand many of the key events such as the second coming, the millennial kingdom, and the judgments to follow. Explain this and give examples of theologians who disagree on the details of eschatology based on their approach to interpreting Bible prophecy.
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