APOL 500 Exam 1 Liberty University
Set 1
- If ‘success’ in apologetics, as Beilby argues, is ‘faithfulness to Jesus Christ,’ which of the following is an example of apologetic success?
- The Bible clearly describes a formal system of apologetics, along with a theory of apologetics.
- The word apologia is often translated ‘defense.’ However, Christian apologetics is not restricted to responding to objections to the Christian faith. Apologetics also instructs, encourages, refutes, and contends.
- Beilby describes a type of apologetics he calls ‘proactive apologetics.’ Which of the following best represents this type of apologetics?
- During the early Middle Ages, Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) focused on which of the following?
- Given the overall context and trajectory of apologetics in the patristic era, which of the following would be LEAST likely to be used by Augustine (354-430)?
- During the early Middle Ages, Anselm (1033-1109) mostly wrote about the relationship between faith and reason.
- Beilby suggests that in response to the globalization and multiculturalization of Christianity, apologists
- Which of the following significantly influenced Christian apologetics in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries?
- In responding to those who were religiously indifferent, or who found the evidence for and against Christianity to be equal, Blaise Pascal (1623-1622) offered what in response?
- According to Beilby, all contemporary apologists use one, and only one, particular type of apologetic approach.
- Which of the following best fits with what Beilby describes as the “evidentialist strategy”?
- The differences between apologists is sometimes based on fundamental differences in theological convictions.
- Which of the following ideas seems to be at the heart of religious relativism?
- Which of the following statements best fits with the “objection from religious relativism” against apologetics?
- Postmodernism and relativism are the same thing.
- According to Beilby’s interpretation of Luke 21:14-15, which of the following might be the best response to the “do not prepare beforehand” objection to apologetics?
- According to Beilby, what is the “Achilles’ heel” (fatal weakness) of the apologist – a weakness that Beilby thinks must be first acknowledged and then fought?
- Which of the following best represents the main point of the “irrelevance of logical arguments” objection to apologetics?
- According to Beilby, even though rationalism may take the demand for rational arguments to an extreme, Christian apologetics must still offer rational arguments.
- According to Beilby’s analysis of what it takes to do apologetics well, which of the following is most important?
- According to Beilby, which of the following seems to be the most important key factor in developing good arguments for apologetics?
- According to Groothuis, in the wake of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, secularists and cultural relativists seemed to realize that we needed
- According to Groothuis’s analysis, which of the following claims actually addresses the question of whether there is purpose in the world?
- To what does Groothuis think the reflective person should aspire?
- According to Groothuis, Jesus was a philosopher and an apologist.
- Which of the following seems to be the main reason that Groothuis thinks that humility is the “cardinal virtue of Christian apologist”?
- According to Groothuis, the command in 1 Peter 3:15-16 seems to require more than just telling people that Jesus is the reason for the hope that Christians have.
- Using Scripture and references to assigned reading materials, explain (in 3-4 sentences) why it is important for Christians to not have a condescending, arrogant, or dismissive attitude in apologetic encounters.
Set 2
- Beilby describes a type of apologetics he calls ‘proactive apologetics.’ Which of the following best represents this type of apologetics?
- If ‘success’ in apologetics, as Beilby argues, is ‘faithfulness to Jesus Christ,’ which of the following is an example of apologetic success?
- The word apologia is often translated ‘defense.’ However, Christian apologetics is not restricted to responding to objections to the Christian faith. Apologetics also instructs, encourages, refutes, and contends.
- The Bible clearly describes a formal system of apologetics, along with a theory of apologetics.
- Given the overall context and trajectory of apologetics in the patristic era, which of the following would be LEAST likely to be used by Augustine (354-430)?
- During the patristic era (A.D. 100-500), Christian political apologists sought to win civil toleration in the face of persecutions from Nero (64) to Diocletian (284-305), hoping to show that Christians were no threat to political stability.
- During the early Middle Ages, Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) focused on which of the following?
- As an influential figure in Christian thought in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, which of the following is most like what John Locke said?
- Beilby suggests that in response to the globalization and multiculturalization of Christianity, apologists
- Which of the following significantly influenced Christian apologetics in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries?
- Beilby describes what he thinks are meta-apologetic issues. Which of the following questions does NOT address one of the meta-apologetic issues he describes?
- According to Beilby, all contemporary apologists use one, and only one, particular type of apologetic approach.
- Which of the following best fits with the “Reformed Theology” perspective on the relationship between faith and reason?
- Which of the following ideas seems to be at the heart of religious relativism?
- Which of the following statements best fits with the “objection from religious relativism” against apologetics?
- Some object to apologetics because Christianity is a belief system that has been responsible for oppression and violence.
- Which of the following best represents the main point of the “irrelevance of logical arguments” objection to apologetics?
- According to Beilby, what is the “Achilles’ heel” (fatal weakness) of the apologist – a weakness that Beilby thinks must be first acknowledged and then fought?
- According to Beilby, what is the relationship between apologetics and “meaningful dialogue”?
- According to Beilby’s analysis of what it takes to do apologetics well, which of the following is most important?
- According to Beilby, which of the following seems to be the most important key factor in developing good arguments for apologetics?
- According to Beilby’s analysis, what does it mean to say that Christianity is true?
- Groothuis thinks that a compelling case can be made for Christianity, and that Christianity is pertinent to social and political issues.
- According to Groothuis’s analysis, which of the following claims actually addresses the question of whether there is purpose in the world?
- Throughout his analysis of the human condition and his statements about human hope, Groothuis seems to be advocating apologetics as
- According to Groothuis, which of the following best describes the proper relationship between evangelism and apologetics?
- According to Groothuis’s analysis of Acts 17, which of the following is the primary reason that Paul’s interaction with the philosophers in Athens provides a proper example of good apologetics?
- Which of the following seems to be the main reason that Groothuis thinks that humility is the “cardinal virtue of Christian apologist”?
Set 3
- The Bible clearly describes a formal system of apologetics, along with a theory of apologetics.
- The word apologia is often translated ‘defense.’ However, Christian apologetics is not restricted to responding to objections to the Christian faith. Apologetics also instructs, encourages, refutes, and contends.
- If ‘success’ in apologetics, as Beilby argues, is ‘faithfulness to Jesus Christ,’ which of the following is an example of apologetic success?
- During the patristic era (A.D. 100-500), Christian political apologists sought to win civil toleration in the face of persecutions from Nero (64) to Diocletian (284-305), hoping to show that Christians were no threat to political stability.
- During the early Middle Ages, Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) focused on which of the following?
- During the early Middle Ages, Anselm (1033-1109) mostly wrote about the relationship between faith and reason.
- According to Karl Barth, an influential figure of the 20 thcentury, which of the following is the key to good apologetics?
- As an influential figure in Christian thought in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, which of the following is most like what John Locke said?
- In responding to those who were religiously indifferent, or who found the evidence for and against Christianity to be equal, Blaise Pascal (1623-1622) offered what in response?
- Groothuis probably thinks that the perennial human questions are merely human, and hope is contained in human efforts alone.
- To what does Groothuis think the reflective person should aspire?
- According to Groothuis, in the wake of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, secularists and cultural relativists seemed to realize that we needed
- According to Groothuis, which of the following best describes the proper relationship between evangelism and apologetics?
- Which of the following seems to be the main reason that Groothuis thinks that humility is the “cardinal virtue of Christian apologist”?
- According to Groothuis, which of the following might be the best reason to direct apologetics toward Christians?
- Which of the following best fits with what Beilby describes as the “evidentialist strategy”?
- Which of the following best fits with the “Natural Theology” perspective on the relationship between faith and reason, as exemplified in figures such as Thomas Aquinas and John Henry Newman?
- Which of the following best fits with the “Reformed Theology” perspective on the relationship between faith and reason?
- Which of the following statements best fits with the “objection from skepticism” against apologetics?
- Postmodernism and relativism are the same thing.
- Which of the following ideas seems to be at the heart of religious relativism?
- Based on Beilby’s interpretation of 1 Corinthians 2:4-5, which of the following might be the best response to the assertion that Paul’s repudiation of “wise and persuasive words” is also a repudiation of apologetics?
- According to Beilby’s interpretation of Luke 21:14-15, which of the following might be the best response to the “do not prepare beforehand” objection to apologetics?
- According to Beilby, what is the relationship between apologetics and “meaningful dialogue”?
- According to Beilby, even though rationalism may take the demand for rational arguments to an extreme, Christian apologetics must still offer rational arguments.
- According to Beilby, it is best to understand Christianity as
- According to Beilby’s analysis of what it takes to do apologetics well, which of the following is most important?