RLGN 105 Quiz 7 / Test 7
RLGN 105 Quiz: Moral Relativism’s Impact on Contemporary Worldviews
- A person who does not know Jesus can exhibit virtuous traits and behaviors and can even be considered a good person.
- Rae believes that the being made in the “image of God” (Genesis 1:26-27) is essential to the Christian worldview regarding the sanctity of life.
- Ethics are essential they give direction to people and societies
- According to Rae, sophisticated ultrasound technology has helped in shifting some people to be more in favor of the unborn child.
- means that the unborn child has developed to a stage where it can survive outside of the womb.
- Self- righteousness is needed if we are to avoid moral failure in our lives.
- It is possible for a person to be virtuous enough, without saving grace, to warrant justification before God.
- The long-standing tradition and basis of “sanctity of life”, is that human life has _______________ value.
- The study of Eugenics originated with the Nazi’s during World War II.
- Living a virtuous life is a simple and single decision rather than one requiring practice and discipline.
- With a biblical worldview, your views on issues like abortion and euthanasia should be shaped by what fact about human beings?
- Accountability and repentance are critical to cultivating virtue
- Only religious people try to impose their morality and views on culture.
- The term “Eugenics” comes from a Greek word which literally means:
- Many Christians claim to have a biblical worldview, but are inconsistent in their ethics.
- The notion of “freedom” which was articulated centuries ago communicates:
- According to Rae, within the bioethics community, there is an increasing recognition of the irrelevance of birth as a marker for personhood.
- The complex world of bioethics compels us to apply morality to matters of life and death.
- According to Rae, the first place that character and virtue are cultivated is in
- Federal law provides the “born alive rule” which states that a baby born alive must be protected, even when the child’s birth is the result of a botched abortion.
- What constitutes a person (personhood) is a __________________ question
- Eugenic type test results are often used in the decision to end a pregnancy.
- One of the dangers of Eugenics is the impact it may have on how society views and values people with disabilities.
- is a Princeton professor who suggests that even after a child’s birth, infanticide may still be justifiable.
- According to Rae, a belief that a new human life begins at conception (fertilization) also has ethical impact of one’s view of areas such as embryonic stem cell research.
Set 1
- According to Rae, within the bioethics community, there is an increasing recognition of the irrelevance of birth as a marker for personhood.
- During the Renaissance and the Enlightenment period a shift was seen which focused on assessment of actions rather than character.
- Emotional attachment is as important as moral status.
- With a biblical worldview, your views on issues like abortion and euthanasia should be shaped by what fact about human beings?
- What 1973 Supreme Court decision made abortion on demand legal in the United States
- It is possible for a person to be virtuous enough, without saving grace, to warrant justification before God.
- ________________________ is a Princeton professor who suggests that even after a child’s birth, infanticide may still be justifiable.
- Ethics are essential they give direction to people and societies
- According to Rae, how one answers questions about “what it means to be human” affect decisions about:
- Society today suggest several way to “Cultivate Virtue”.
- Rae believes that the being made in the “image of God” (Genesis 1:26-27) is essential to the Christian worldview regarding the sanctity of life.
- Only religious people try to impose their morality and views on culture.
- According to Rae, a belief that a new human life begins at conception (fertilization) also has ethical impact of one’s view of areas such as embryonic stem cell research.
- “Personhood” is something that you are, not something that you do.
- Science is clear that from conception onward, a living human being exists.
- Living virtuously and a good life are still connected.
- Living a virtuous life is a simple and single decision rather than one requiring practice and discipline.
- The complex world of bioethics compels us to apply morality to matters of life and death.
- The two questions everyone should answer about a worldview application are “Do I have a biblical worldview?” and “Am I applying it consistently to life’s issues?”
- According to the worldview application video, human beings naturally seek what they believe to be good for them, but that does not mean that what they seek is actually good for them.
- The sanctity of human life, from conception forward is consistent with the Christian worldview.
- When it comes to understanding our life choices in relation to our worldview, the one question each person must answer is, “Why do you do what you do?”
- The study of Eugenics originated with the Nazi’s during World War II.
- One of the dangers of Eugenics is the impact it may have on how society views and values people with disabilities.
- According to Rae, the first place that character and virtue are cultivated is in __________________.
Set 2
- During the Renaissance and the Enlightenment period a shift was seen which focused on assessment of actions rather than character.
- According to Rae, sophisticated ultrasound technology has helped in shifting some people to be more in favor of the unborn child.
- Rae believes that the being made in the “image of God” (Genesis 1:26-27) is essential to the Christian worldview regarding the sanctity of life.
- Rae suggests that legalizing PAS could have a positive impact in that it encourages society to provide more healthcare for the elderly.
- Self- righteousness is needed if we are to avoid moral failure in our lives.
- With a biblical worldview, your views on issues like abortion and euthanasia should be shaped by what fact about human beings?
- The phrase from the Book of Judges that best sums up what a naturalistic worldview application looks like: “Every man did what is right in his own eyes.”
- ___________________ means that the unborn child has developed to a stage where it can survive outside of the womb.
- Many Christians claim to have a biblical worldview, but are inconsistent in their ethics.
- According to Rae, a belief that a new human life begins at conception (fertilization) also has ethical impact of one’s view of areas such as embryonic stem cell research.
- When it comes to understanding our life choices in relation to our worldview, the one question each person must answer is, “Why do you do what you do?”
- The long-standing tradition and basis of “sanctity of life”, is that human life has _______________ value.
- According to Rae, how one answers questions about “what it means to be human” affect decisions about:
- Emotional attachment is as important as moral status.
- According to Rae, the first place that character and virtue are cultivated is in __________________.
- Living a virtuous life is a simple and single decision rather than one requiring practice and discipline.
- What constitutes a person (personhood) is a __________________ question
- ________________________ is NOT given by Rae as a reason the Christian worldview clarifies a virtuous life.
- Eugenic type test results are often used in the decision to end a pregnancy.
- According to the worldview application video, human beings naturally seek what they believe to be good for them, but that does not mean that what they seek is actually good for them.
- ________________________ is a Princeton professor who suggests that even after a child’s birth, infanticide may still be justifiable.
- The two questions everyone should answer about a worldview application are “Do I have a biblical worldview?” and “Am I applying it consistently to life’s issues?”
- According to Rae, within the bioethics community, there is an increasing recognition of the irrelevance of birth as a marker for personhood.
- The term “Eugenics” comes from a Greek word which literally means:
- Physician-Assisted suicide is still illegal in all 50 states in America
Set 3
- Only religious people try to impose their morality and views on culture.
- Emotional attachment is as important as moral status.
- The study of Eugenics originated with the Nazi’s during World War II.
- During the Renaissance and the Enlightenment period a shift was seen which focused on assessment of actions rather than character.
- In relation to a worldview, what is ethics?
- “Personhood” is something that you are, not something that you do.
- ________________________ is NOT given by Rae as a reason the Christian worldview clarifies a virtuous life.
- According to Rae, sophisticated ultrasound technology has helped in shifting some people to be more in favor of the unborn child.
- Living virtuously and a good life are still connected.
- Accountability and repentance are critical to cultivating virtue
- The notion of “freedom” which was articulated centuries ago communicates:
- A “Utilitarian” approach to ethics proposed by Jeremy Bentham and Stuart Mill seeks to determine right and wrong by ___________________________.
- Physician-Assisted suicide is still illegal in all 50 states in America
- The sanctity of human life, from conception forward is consistent with the Christian worldview.
- With a biblical worldview, your views on issues like abortion and euthanasia should be shaped by what fact about human beings?
- According to Rae, within the bioethics community, there is an increasing recognition of the irrelevance of birth as a marker for personhood.
- The term “Eugenics” comes from a Greek word which literally means:
- Society today suggest several way to “Cultivate Virtue”.
- Self- righteousness is needed if we are to avoid moral failure in our lives.
- The complex world of bioethics compels us to apply morality to matters of life and death.
- What 1973 Supreme Court decision made abortion on demand legal in the United States
- ________________________ is a Princeton professor who suggests that even after a child’s birth, infanticide may still be justifiable.
- According to Rae, the first place that character and virtue are cultivated is in __________________.
- Science is clear that from conception onward, a living human being exists.
- A person who does not know Jesus can exhibit virtuous traits and behaviors and can even be considered a good person.