NBST 515 Exam 4

NBST 515 Exam 4 Liberty University

Set 1

  1. According to Elwell, in the book of Revelation, John’s favorite expression to describe Jesus is “the Lamb.”
  2. According to the presentations, the Johannine letters appear to have been addressed to congregations with which the writer had no previous connection or association.
  3. According to the presentations, “docetics,” from the Greek word meaning “to seem,” denied the full humanity of Christ arguing that he only “seemed” to be human.
  4. According to Elwell, which of the men named Jude (or Judas) in the New Testament is most likely to have been the author of the Epistle of Jude?
  5. According to the presentations, 1 John suggests that a group has left the congregation (secessionists) because they rejected the notion that the man Jesus was, in fact, the Christ.
  6. According to Elwell, the images John used in the book of Revelation would have been just as unfamiliar to the people of his day as to us.
  7. According to Elwell, John likely died on the island of Patmos.
  8. According to the presentations, 2 Peter was written to address a false teaching in the church that denied the reality of the Parousia(the Second Coming of Christ).
  9. According to Elwell, John was exiled on the island of Patmos in the Aegean Sea when he composed the book of Revelation.
  10. According to the presentations, some scholars believe 1 Peter 3:17-20 to be an early baptismal formula which pictures Christ, during the three days in the grave, descending into hell to preach to the disobedient spirits in Noah’s day.
  11. According to Elwell, universalism is the view that ultimately everything and everyone will be saved, even Satan, his angels, and demons.
  12. According to the presentations, libertinism indulged the body and its desires.
  13. According to Elwell, which of John’s letters is addressed to “the chosen lady?”
  14. According to the presentations, which of the following is notone of the interpretive approaches applied to the book of Revelation?
  15. According to Elwell, an important idea in 1 Peter is the concept of the Christian as pilgrim in this world.
  16. According to the presentations, the denial of the return of Christ and the final judgment led false teachers in 2 Peter to advocate for unrestrained freedom.
  17. According to Elwell, theologians speak of eschatology in two ways: personal eschatology (what happens at the end of our lives) and cosmic eschatology (what happens at the end of the world).
  18. According to Elwell, which of John’s writings resembles more a small treatise or tract?
  19. According to the presentations, some 19 of Jude’s 25 verses are found in 1 Peter.
  20. According to Elwell, Peter was likely facing imminent death when he composed 1 Peter.

Set 2

  1. The writer of Jude never identifies himself as to his identity.
  2. The commonly accepted date of Peter’s martyrdom was during the reign of Emperor
  3. According to the PointeCast presentations, the Jewishness of the Epistle of James is revealed by the fact that he refers to Christian churches as “synagogues.”
  4. According to the PointeCast presentations, the Johannine Epistles share both the language and theology of the Gospel of John.
  5. The opponents of John in 1 John show evidence of a belief system that has some similarities to Gnosticism.
  6. The term “millennium” itself never occurs in the Book of Revelation.
  7. Most of Jude is included in 2 Peter.
  8. According to the Book of Revelation, John was on the island of Crete when he wrote Revelation.
  9. Which epistle has a strong statement on biblical inspiration?
  10. According to the PointeCast presentations, Jude is important because it is one of the few places in the New Testament where a noncanonical book is cited as authoritative.
  11. Who was most likely emperor when John wrote Revelation?
  12. There is less historical support for the genuineness of 2 Peter than for any other NT book.
  13. Which epistle repeatedly commanded love for one another?
  14. The only NT letter to offer an explicit reference to Paul’s letters as Scripture was
  15. Both external and internal evidence support the authorship of 1 John as being John, son of Zebedee, brother of James, Jesus’ disciple.
  16. Which epistle contains several references that plainly reflect influence from Jesus’ teaching, especially the Sermon on the Mount?
  17. The NT document that employed a high priestly Christology, referring to Jesus as a high priest after the order of Melchizedek, was
  18. A theme of the Book of Hebrews is access to God through Christ, expressed in the phrase “draw near.”
  19. According to the PointeCast presentations, identify the four major interpretive approaches that have been applied to the Book of Revelation.
  20. According to Lea and Black, other than the Apostle Paul, identify someone who has been proposed by scholars as a possible author of the Epistle to the Hebrews.

Set 3

  1. Which book was written because of the possibility that some believers would return to former practices of Judaism?
  2. When quoting from the Old Testament, the writer of Hebrews favored the
  3. The NT letter whose literary style resembles more the OT book of Proverbs than a typical letter is
  4. The only NT letter to offer an explicit reference to Paul’s letters as Scripture was
  5. According to the textbooks, the author of the Epistle of James was likely
  6. Who was most likely emperor when John wrote Revelation?
  7. There is less historical support for the genuineness of 2 Peter than for any other NT book.
  8. The commonly accepted date of Peter’s martyrdom was during the reign of Emperor
  9. The language of Hebrews clearly indicates that the Temple had been destroyed and sacrifices had been stopped before the book was written.
  10. The book of 1 Peter is the first Christian book to refer explicitly to Jesus as a “high priest after the order of Melchizedek.”
  11. Which epistle has “suffering” as a major theme?
  12. The book of Revelation may be characterized as
  13. The writer of Hebrews utilized Melchizedek in part because he was the pre-incarnate Christ.
  14. The early church struggled with the decision to declare “Hebrews” canonical. Which of the two branches of the church was the most reticent?
  15. The opponents of John in 1 John show evidence of a belief system that has some similarities to Gnosticism.
  16. Which epistle contains several references that plainly reflect influence from Jesus’ teaching, especially the Sermon on the Mount?
  17. The writer of Jude never identifies himself as to his identity.
  18. According to the PointeCast presentations, the Jewishness of the Epistle of James is revealed by the fact that he refers to Christian churches as “synagogues.”
  19. According to the PointeCast presentations, identify the four major interpretive approaches that have been applied to the Book of Revelation.
  20. According to Lea and Black, other than the Apostle Paul, identify someone who has been proposed by scholars as a possible author of the Epistle to the Hebrews.
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