NBST 520 Exam 3

NBST 520 Exam 3 Liberty University

Set 1

  1. According to Elwell, “adiaphora” refers to
  2. According to Elwell, theologians describe the two different understandings of the gospel manifest in the Corinthian letters as
  3. Paul quotes the Old Testament prophet, Habakuk’s, statement that “the just shall live by faith” in which two of his letters?
  4. According to the presentations, the “New Perspective on Paul” argues that it is not so much Paul who has been misunderstood as it is the picture of Judaism drawn from Paul’s writings.
  5. Which of the following women was singled out by Paul in Romans 16 for commendation for her service to the church in Cenchraea?
  6. According to the presentations, Martin Hengel’s book, “The Crucifixion,” points out that, in the first century, the Latin word for cross, “crux,” was a four-letter word both literally and figuratively
  7. The “trouble-makers” afflicting the churches of Galatia are typically referred to as “Judaizers.”
  8. According to Elwell, the judicial platform on which Roman city officials, such as Gallio in Corinth, stood to mete out justice was called the
  9. The letter in which Paul confronts the so-called “super-apostles” is
  10. According to the presentations, the “New Perspective on Paul” argues that Paul’s phrase “works of Law” does not refer to keeping the Law to earn salvation but rather to Jewish “identity markers,” such as circumcision, Sabbath observance, and the like.
  11. According to Elwell, the Greek word translated “gift” is related to the Greek word for “grace.”
  12. According to Elwell, inferring what the recipients of a letter were saying or doing from what is written in the letter itself is called
  13. Jesus’ words at the “institution of the Lord’s Supper” are remembered in three of the four Gospels and in this Pauline letter:
  14. According to the presentations, while Paul’s letters are real letters, they are not purely personal letters.
  15. According to Elwell, Paul spends the bulk of the Epistle to the Romans on issues that are more theological than practical.
  16. According to Elwell, which theologian’s commentary on Romans helped to break the dominance of liberal theology, at least for a time?
  17. Which of Paul’s letters leaves out his typical “thanksgiving” for the recipients?
  18. According to Elwell, which of Paul’s letters has influenced world history in dramatic ways?
  19. According to the presentations, Paul’s Romans was most likely written while Paul was in which city?
  20. According to Elwell, virtually all the points of Paul’s preaching in Galatia, as recorded by Luke in Acts 13, are echoed in Paul’s Letter to the Galatians.

Set 2

  1. According to the presentations, which of Paul’s letters was a “fund-raising letter” of sorts to gather financial backing for Paul’s new mission to Spain and points west?
  2. Paul deals with head coverings in public worship in which of his letters?
  3. Paul’s missionary journey to Corinth is recorded in Acts 18.
  4. According to the presentations, Paul’s Romans was most likely written while Paul was in which city?
  5. The “trouble-makers” afflicting the churches of Galatia are typically referred to as “Judaizers.”
  6. First Corinthians 5 deals with:
  7. Which of Paul’s letters leaves out his typical “thanksgiving” for the recipients?
  8. Ancient Corinth played host to which Greek athletic contest:
  9. Paul quotes the Old Testament prophet, Habakuk’s, statement that “the just shall live by faith” in which two of his letters?
  10. In which letter does Paul have three consecutive chapters in which he discusses God’s covenant with Israel?
  11. Some Corinthian Christians were bringing lawsuits against each other in a manner that disturbed Paul.
  12. According to the presentations, the center of Paul’s theology in Romans is “the righteousness of God.”
  13. According to Longenecker, which of Paul’s letters is more like a lengthy theological analysis of Paul’s relationship over a stormy period of general animosity and distrust.
  14. According to Lea, Corinth was the most troubled church with which Paul worked.
  15. According to the presentations, the central issue of 1 Corinthians is “faith vs. works.”
  16. According to Lea, the church in Rome likely had a strong Jewish majority in the congregation.
  17. The letter in which Paul confronts the so-called “super-apostles” is
  18. According to the presentations, while Paul’s letters are real letters, they are not purely personal letters.
  19. In which of Paul’s letters does he use an allegory of the Old Testament story of Hagar and Sarah?
  20. Which of the following women was singled out by Paul in Romans 16 for commendation for her service to the church in Cenchraea?

Set 3

  1. 1 Corinthians 5 deals with
  2. The Pauline letter whose theme is “justification by faith, not by works” is
  3. Which of the following is NOT an issue or need which Paul addressed in his first letter to the Corinthians?
  4. According to Carson and Moo, the letter to the Ephesians was accepted by Marcion as the letter to the Laodecians.
  5. Which of the following contains a hymn to Christ’s humility and servant attitude?
  6. There is one fixed point in dating the epistle of 1 Corinthians. The most likely date when 1 Corinthians was written according to your textbooks is
  7. Which of the following women was singled out by Paul in Romans 16 for commendation for her service to the church in Cenchrea?
  8. Paul planted the church in Rome on his third missionary journey.
  9. According to Lea and Black, it is unclear whether Paul was commanding all women in every age to wear head coverings when in church.
  10. Corinth would, in New Testament times, become the capital of Macedon.
  11. From which Old Testament book did Paul make his famous quotation establishing his theology in Romans?
  12. According to Carson and Moo, the fact that Ephesians has an unusual number of words that do not appear in other Pauline letters lends no evidence against Pauline authorship.
  13. Which of the following letters has caused some scholars to argue that there may be two letters contained in this one canonical book?
  14. Paul was probably in Ephesus on the third missionary journey between AD 50 and AD 53.
  15. 1 Corinthians contains more information about spiritual gifts than any of Paul’s other letters.
  16. Apparently, Christians were already in Ephesus when Paul arrived.
  17. The textual evidence of 2 Corinthians shows decisively that chapters 1-9 circulated separately from chapters 10-13.
  18. The letter to the Ephesians contains virtually no material similar to any other Pauline letter.
  19. According to your textbooks, the best date for Romans is
  20. The genre of Romans is hard to establish. According to the Carson and Moo, which one of the following is the best category for the book?
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