NBST 520 Exam 1 Liberty University
Set 1
- According to Elwell, the word “simony,” named for Simon the Sorcerer, is the term used for the practice of buying or selling church office or privilege.
- According to Elwell, Rome generally pursued a benevolent approach to governing people whom it ruled, allowing as much local control as possible.
- According to Elwell, which of the following was not one of the outcomes of Pentecost, described in Acts 2:42-47, on the common life of the early believers?
- According to Elwell, one of the key questions in interpreting Acts for the church today is: how much of Acts merely describes what once took place, and how much prescribes what should take place in other times and settings?
- Who was the first to bring the gospel to the Samaritans?
- According to Luke, where was the name “Christian” first used?
- According to Elwell, Simon the Tanner was avoided by observant Jews of the first century because
- The book of Acts focuses primarily on the ministries of what two early Christian leaders?
- According to Elwell, whereas the primary perspective of Acts 1-7 was on the message preached by Jesus’ followers, Acts 8-12, while maintaining this perspective, also takes interest in a number of particular individuals.
- According to Elwell, who did the church at Jerusalem dispatch to Antioch to investigate reports that non-Jews were receiving the Gospel?
- According to Elwell, the coming of the Spirit at Pentecost was the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise to his followers that, following his departure, his Spirit would furnish them with fresh impetus for carrying out his mandate.
- According to Elwell, the setting of the early chapters of Acts is overwhelmingly Jewish.
- According to Elwell, the passage the Ethiopian Eunuch was reading when Philip encountered him was
- According to Elwell, the first four verses of Luke’s Gospel (Luke 1:1-4) indicate that Luke investigated what he considered to be reliable traditions about Jesus in composing his own Gospel.
- According to the presentations, there are no differences when comparing the three accounts of Paul’s Damascus Road experience in Acts.
- According to the presentations, the belief that the End had arrived in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, but still awaits its full and final fulfillment, is sometimes referred to as “inaugurated eschatology.”
- According to the first 8 chapters of Acts, based on who appears to be the spokesperson for the new movement, the leader of the Early Church appears to be
- According to the presentations, Luke believed the events of Pentecost meant that the Day of the LORD had dawned.
- In the story of the Ethiopian eunuch, in Acts 8, from what Old Testament book was he reading?
- According to the presentations, who is often considered to be the “father” of the New Perspective on Paul?
Set 2
- The book of Acts focuses primarily on the ministries of what two early Christian leaders?
- According to the presentations, the first Christians believed in the concept of “The Two Ages,” the present evil age, and the age of the Kingdom of God.
- According to Lea, the Herod who martyred James, the brother of John, was Herod the Great
- Who was the first to bring the gospel to the Samaritans?
- In Peter’s prayer/sermon, in Acts 4, following the Apostles release, he prayed for
- According to Lea, Peter’s sermon, in Acts 3, disturbed the Pharisees because they denied the doctrine of resurrection.
- According to Lea, Acts is clearly a missionary document whose main purpose dominates the structure of the book.
- According to Lea, when writing Acts, Luke focused on how the gospel spread from Jerusalem to Rome.
- According to the presentations, some scholars suggest that what happened to Paul on the Damascus Road was more “calling” than “conversion.”
- According to Lea, in Jerusalem, who served as a character reference for Paul when he testified before the apostles who were still unconvinced of his conversion?
- According to Lea, the most ambitious study concerning the historial reliability of Acts is the work by the late Colin Hemer.
- According to Lea, Acts provides information about
- The Jerusalem Coucil decided that Gentiles should be circumcised in order to be genuine Christians.
- Who is the only person in Acts who envisioned Jesus “standing in heaven”?
- According to Lea, the Feast of Pentecost celebrated the wheat harvest among the Jews.
- Some Christian Jews in Jerusalem, upon hearing about Peter’s successful ministry to the Gentiles, were happy that he ate with uncircumcised Gentiles.
- According to Lea, most of the biographical material in Acts is about
- In Acts 5, the disciples were rescued by the advice of
- According to the presentations, who is often considered to be the “father” of the New Perspective on Paul?
- According to Lea, what two centers of mission dominate Acts?
Set 3
- The primary accusation fabricated against Stephen was that he had abandoned Judaism when he became a Christian.
- Which one of the following was notstated concerning Cornelius?
- According to Carson and Moo, the book of Acts should be dated sometime after the fall of the Temple in 70 AD.
- Some Christian Jews in Jerusalem, upon hearing about Peter’s successful ministry to the Gentiles, were unhappy that he ate with uncircumcised Gentiles.
- The only point of Peter’s vision is that food laws were now suspended.
- According to Carson and Moo, which of the following is the general purpose of Luke’s writing Acts?
- The similarity of all historical events in the Scriptures is that they all record the intervention of God.
- After being flogged in Acts 5, the disciples were actually joyous.
- According to Bruce, Paul’s father served in the Roman military and attained Roman citizenship by showing valor on the battlefield.
- In the book of Acts, who was the first Christian martyr killed for his faith in Jesus?
- In the story of the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8, from what Old Testament book was he reading?
- According to Carson and Moo, which of the following is NOT one of the six key theological themes in Acts?
- According to Carson and Moo, New Testament letters resemble ancient Greco-Roman letters in a very general way.
- According to Bruce, the various views of early “christologies” have been interwoven with each other throughout the history of Christian thought since the beginning of Christianity.
- Luke commonly closes a chapter with a hinge to a later chapter. Chapter 4 ends with the mention of what important person for the first time?
- Who was the first to bring the gospel to the Samaritans?
- The Gallio Inscription helps us date Paul’s second missionary journey to around AD 50-52.
- Which of the following according to Carson and Moo best represents the most likely purpose for the writing of Acts?
- Who is the only person in Acts that envisioned Jesus “standing in heaven”?
- According to Bruce, the Sanhedrin never had the right to enforce capital punishment on a Jew for blasphemy.